
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Liberty Street by Dianne Warren

25229202Years ago before I started my blog I read Cool Water by Dianne Warren.  It was the story of a cast of characters living in a small Canadian town and it took place over the course of one day.  Since that time I have been frequently looking out for something new by Dianne Warren.  I subscribe to many email newsletters to keep me up to date on the latest book releases so I was completely surprised to see this one in Chapters and that I didn't already know about it.

Once again, the setting is a small town in Canada.  The story is about Frances Mary Moon and her coming of age story.  She grows up often not meeting the expectations of her parents.  She makes a few mistakes given the town folks lots to gossip about.  She manages to push some of those mistakes behind her and move on in a new relationship but when she witnesses a tragedy many years later the truth comes slipping out surprising her and her long term boyfriend.

I love Dianne Warren's writing style.  I look forward to her next novel.