Ultra by David Carroll is a nominee in this year's Forest of Reading Silver Birch fiction category. I read this aloud to a grade 5 class. Ultra is the story is of13 year old Quinn, who is running an ultra marathon. As he runs he remembers things from his past, specifically about his dad. There are many unknowns about Quinn's father and that is something we puzzled over until almost the very end. There were many humorous parts of the story that had the students laughing out loud. Specifically a chapter about playing urinal hockey which happened to be the chapter that all the mom's from parent council were in the room for - of all chapters! The students really enjoyed the book and even asked me to read to them while they ate their lunch because they were eager to hear more. I haven't read enough books in the Silver Birch fiction category to vote yet but I would be confident saying that Ultra will get some votes at my school.