

Saturday, August 9, 2014

One Plus One by Jojo Moyes

18693716In One Plus One nothing comes easy for Jess Thomas.  She works really hard at two different jobs but she still can't stay on top of all her bills, never mind get ahead.  Her husband has moved back home with his mother because he’s depressed.  She’s claimed responsibility for a teenage boy, Nicky, that she loves like her own son.  Nicky’s a little bit quirky and the neighbourhood kids take every opportunity to pick on him.  Jess also has a daughter, Tanzi, that is bordering on the genius scale. 
Jess sees an opportunity to get ahead when Tanzi is invited to compete in a math competition with a cash prize.  Jess, Nicky, Tanzi and their dog Norman pack up the car for a road trip to race to get to the competition on time.  They don’t get very far when trouble ensues.  Thankfully their knight in shining armour arrives to the rescue.  Unfortunately, Mr. Nicholls, their knight, has troubles of his own. 
If you haven't yet read anything by Jojo Moyes I would recommend reading One Plus One first to set the bar for your expectations and then Me Before You.  One Plus One is a great book but Me Before You is just a bit better in my opinion.  Jojo Moyes is one of my new favourite authors that I will continue to look for new books from.