

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Love Anthony by Lisa Genova

I am a huge fan of Lisa Genova.  I love a book that makes me see life in someone else's point of view and Lisa Genova never disappoints.  In Love Anthony we get the perspective of a mother of a child with autism but we also get the perspective of the Anthony who is living with autism.  No one knows for certain what Anthony might be thinking and feeling since he is non-verbal but if anyone is going to have some insight it's likely that it would be Genova.  Lisa Genova is a neuroscientist so it's believable that she might have a good idea what she's talking about here.  

Olivia is Anthony's mom.  Anthony has passed away and Olivia is trying to make sense of why Anthony was the way he was and why he died so young.  She's tried talking to God but the answers just aren't coming.  She's trying to move on with life but that's tough too.  Her new neighbour Beth is also going through her own life crisis and looking for answers.  She doesn't have answers for her own problems either but she's found a renewed energy to write a novel which brings some healing in unexpected ways.

Lisa Genova's earlier novel Still Alice is set to be released as a movie in Canada January 23, 2015.  This is the story of a professor who begins to experience symptoms of alzheimers.  I loved this book and can't wait for the movie.  Left Neglected is another of Genova's novels that I loved.  Three great novels.  I will be eagerly watching for her next book.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Woman Who Stole My Life by Marian Keyes

22009741I mostly read Canadian authors.  Not just because I’m proudly Canadian but because I truly love Canadian literature.  However, I do have a soft spot for a group of Irish authors as well.  Marian Keyes is an Irish author that’s established herself as a popular fiction writer worldwide.  I would compare her writing style to Sophie Kinsella.  Marian Keyes novels are often quite funny in a similar fashion to the Shopaholic series, although they often have a darker side as well.

Stella Sweeney is the main character of The Woman Who Stole My Life.  She’s a mid-30’s woman dealing with life, family and work.  Suddenly life is halted when she awakes in a hospital unable to move a muscle or speak.  Her lovely husband, children and parents come visit her twice a day and attempt to keep up a one sided conversation.  When the handsome Neurologist appears at her bedside and develops a method for her to communicate through blinking, Stella’s feeling more than just grateful.  Even though hospital life is extremely difficult for Stella she blinks out words of inspiration to others while she lies in pain.  These words of wisdom and her handsome Neurologist might just be the key to true happiness when her muscles get moving again.

The Woman Who Stole My Life goes back and forth from past to present and at first it can be a bit difficult to follow the timeline but it all comes together quite nicely in the end.  With 530 pages this book is no light read but Keyes keeps you guessing on how things will turn out for Stella.  At no point does it feel like the book is dragging on and I felt surprised that I had reached the end so quickly.  Keyes fans won’t be disappointed and new readers will be looking for more.

Because of Mr. Terupt by Rob Buyea

7783920I had never even heard of Because of Mr. Terupt when my son came home from school and told me that his grade 4/5 teacher was reading it out loud.  He loved it and wanted us to also read it together at home in the night at the same time she was reading it.  So of course, I went along with his plan!

It is amazing!!  I loved it!  The book is about a grade 5 class that gets a brand new teacher, Mr. Terupt.  The book focuses on 7 students in the class which each chapter written from a different student's perspective (which I believe is part of grade 4/5 curriculum!).  Mr. Terupt has so many fun ways of teaching that gets his class (and readers!) so excited and having fun while learning.  A great example is his lesson on dollar words - Google it!  

The students have to deal with many life issues in the class in the same way a regular class might have students dealing with issues such as weight, divorce, death, etc.

I would highly recommend this as a read aloud for any grade 4/5 classes.  My son loved it and so did I!  There is a sequel to the book Mr. Terupt Falls Again.  From the reviews I've read this book is good but not suitable as a read aloud and is best read by a mature grade 6/7.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate

11594337I absolutely love the story of The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate.  I've just finished reading it for the second time.  The story is about a silver back named Ivan.  Ivan lives in a cage at the mall where he is a main attraction.  He spends his days watching tv and painting.  Mack, the owner of the mall, sells his paintings in the gift shop.  Ivan can barely remember life before the mall became his domain until a baby elephant, Ruby, is brought to live at the mall.  Ivan doesn't want to see Ruby live her entire life in a cage in the mall.  But what can a might silver back stuck in a cage do to save an elephant?

The One and Only Ivan is based on a true story of a gorilla named Ivan living in Atlanta.  There is also a picture book that outlines his life.

For grade 4 teachers this book is a perfect connection to studies on habitats.