

Friday, January 9, 2015

Every Day is Malala Day by Rosemary McCarney


Every Day is Malala Day is one of the Silver Birch Express nominees for 2015.  It's the first in the series that I read aloud at school.  This week I read it to grade's 3 to 7.  The Silver Birch Express is geared for grade's 3/4 but in an effort to get the majority of the school voting I try to read as many of the books as I can to the kids when they come for their weekly library period.

The book is written as an open letter to Malala.  Unfortunately I started the week off with the grade 3 class and that conversation got a bit derailed talking about getting shot in the head.  I think if I read with that class again I'd be better armed to sway the discussion but the other classes had some great discussion about Malala afterwards.