

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Bug in a Vacuum by Melanie Watt

25241965Melanie Watt has become a must-have author in Canadian children library collections.  Her Scaredy Squirrel series and Chester series are hilarious and so fun to read.  The illustrations are excellent.

Her new picture book Bug in a Vacuum is just like the title says - about a fly that gets sucked up in a vacuum.  The fly goes through a wave of emotions when dealing with his situation; denial, bargaining, anger, despair and eventually acceptance.

Bug in a Vacuum is not quite as funny as the other two series although I'm certain children will find some humour in the story.  I think teachers will gravitate to the story to teach a lesson on emotions and coping with situations.  This book will definitely be added to my school library this fall.  I suspect this will be on the Forest of Reading nominee list this year or next.