

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira

18140047Love Letters to the Dead is about a girl named Laurel.  She is starting grade 9 at a new high school out of her district so that she won't know anyone and won't have to talk about her sister, May's, recent death.  Her mom couldn't cope with May's death so she skipped town and went to California.  Laurel divides her time between living with her Dad and her Aunt Amy.  Life isn't easy for Laurel.  She has a lot to deal with.  When her English teacher gives an assignment to write a letter to a dead person the novel Love Letters to the Dead is formed.

Laurel writes letters to all kinds of dead people such as Kurt Cobain, Amelia Earhart and Janis Joplin.  The letters tell Laurel's story and become therapeutic for her.  The novel is beautifully written but it is very sad and parts of it were hard to read.  Definitely not a book I will be getting for my school but would be appropriate for high school.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng

18693763I love a story that gives you an understanding of how others might feel.  Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng does a fantastic job of invoking empathy for each of the characters in the story.  The Lee family is a complicated family.  Each family member lives with their own struggles and burdens.  

As a young child Lydia vowed to do anything to please her mother.  Lydia's mother life hasn't gone as planned and she's determined for Lydia to live her dream.  Lydia's dad also has expectations for Lydia that she can't live up to.  After years of pretending and over-achieving Lydia cracks and a tragedy occurs.  Lydia's older brother has just been accepted to Harvard and is successful but invisible to his parents.  Lydia's younger sister Hannah is a shadow moving around the house.

How did the Lee family get to this point and how do they now move forward without their beloved Lydia?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


I love tracking my reading on Goodreads.  This website is a great way to keep track of what I have read and what's on my to read wish list.  I can mark a rating on the books I've read by a simple star rating system or provide a more detailed review.  Goodreads also lets you connect with friends or other like minded readers.  You can see what your friends are reading and their reviews.  Another feature I love is that you can set a reading goal for how many books you hope to read in a year.  My goal for 2015 was to read 50 and so far I'm at 55.  Today they offered a cool little summary of your year in review.  Check mine out here:  Goodreads Year in Review

Want to be friends on Goodreads?  I'd love to connect.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Did You Ever Have a Family by Bill Clegg

Did You Ever Have A FamilyOn the eve of her daughter's wedding June suddenly loses all her family.  She is left completely numb and a shell of her former self.  Without any thought she heads out of town on a road trip to an unknown destination.  On her travels she contemplates her relationships with all those she has lost.  Although, June has lost the most, there are others that have lost as well and are grieving.  Everyone in town is talking and spreading rumors.  What caused the tragedy?  Who caused the tragedy?  Other than the town gossips no one seems to have the emotional strength to question how it happened.

Did You Ever Have a Family by Bill Clegg is a beautiful story of love, loss, grief and healing.  It's also about the decisions you make in life and then living with the consequences.  

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Dogs by Allan Stratton

25496559Cameron and his mom have been on the run.  Moving houses, cities, new schools, unlisted phone numbers.  Just as things settle, Cameron's mom has a feeling that his dad has found them and they are on the move again.  It's been so long since Cameron has seen his dad he can't remember if his memories are real or just stories his mom has told him.

Cameron moves into an old farm house and starts hearing stories about the place.  Soon he's talking to ghosts and digging up old murder stories.  Is Cameron losing his mind or is he on to something?  Most importantly, is Cameron just like his dad?

The Dogs by Allan Stratton is a Red Maple nominee in the 2016 Forest of Reading.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Truth Commission by Susan Juby

Every year I like to read one or two Red Maple books to my grade 7 and 8 classes.  This year I've really struggled to pick one of the ten that I could read out loud to a class.  The nominees this year seem to be a bit more mature than other years.  I thought I would pre-read The Truth Commission to see if it might be a good read aloud.  Definitely not!

22522076The Truth Commission is about three friends that attend a special art high school.  Normandy Pale is writing a story for a school assignment and The Truth Commission is that story.  Norm has two best friends Neil and Dusk.  The trio decide to seek out the truth among their fellow students.  Eventually the truths begin to unravel within the group.  Norm has some major family issues that no one talks about, including her parents.  When Norm's sister moves back home from college though it may just be too much to handle.

I found The Truth Commission to be very mature for a grade 7 and 8 level.  I thought some of the truths were way too mature.  One guideline that I try to use when picking books for that level is making sure that the characters are at the most 14 years old.  Norm and friends are 17 years old.  Because this book is a Red Maple book I will purchase it for my school library but I will probably let borrowers know that it's pretty mature before they start reading.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Madly by Amy Alward Blog Tour

I'm very excited to be taking part of the Madly Blog Tour.  Check out the blogs below that are also participating.  Every day has something exciting to offer.  I will be the final stop on the blog tour and will release an excerpt from Sam's Potion Diary!!  Very cool!!  I can't wait to share it with my blog readers.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Awesome is Everywhere by Neil Pasricha

24876653I have long been a subscriber to Neil Pasricha's blog and have been eagerly awaiting a children's version of his chart topping books.  Awesome is Everywhere does not disappoint.  This book is on sale September 29th but one of the students at my school saw him speak at a book festival last weekend and Neil gave her an autographed copy.  She was so excited that she brought it in to show me and said that I could read it to my library classes all week.  It has been awesome seeing their reactions.  I have read the story to the kindergartens, the grade 8's and all grades in between.

Awesome is Everywhere reads a bit like a meditation book.  I encouraged students to close their eyes and pretend they were on a beach while I read.  The short story also has some relaxation breathing.  For me the ending is the best.  Where is the best place on earth?  Right here in the classroom surrounded by all the awesome kids of course.  There is a mirror at the back and I take the time to make sure each person gets a chance to see themselves.  It was very interesting to watch their reactions.  Some students made funny faces but most smiled.  Some appeared shy.  Only one boy refused to look at all.  Made me think he needs to be told he's awesome a little bit more often.

The story may seem quite primary for the grade 8's but when you flash the last page around they are all smiles.

Neil will be at the Word on the Street in Kitchener on September 26th.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Madly by Amy Alward

23309862Sam Kemi is an alchemist.  Her family mixes potions and sells them out of their shop.  They're sticking true to their roots and still using all natural products.  Not like some of those competing shops that use all synthetic ingredients.

Princess Evelyn is about to turn 18 and must be married soon.  Since she can't find true love her parents will pick a partner for her.  Princess Evelyn tries to take her destiny in her own hands by mixing an illegal love potion but it backfires and now she needs help.

A hunt is called and teams are racing to come up with a potion to reverse the Princess's love potion.  But the palace has said their can be no synth ingredients giving Sam a bit of an edge.  But to gather the ingredients Sam will have to go on an amazing adventure like nothing she's ever done before.  With many teams trying to stop her along the way can Sam succeed?  Who will get the right potion first?  Will the Princess be saved?

Madly has some tough, strong female characters.  I quite enjoyed the book and it appears there will be at least a second.  This will definitely be a book I will purchase for my school library this fall.  I think the students will enjoy it.

Now as promised as the final stop on the blog tour I have been given an excerpt from the potion diary of Samantha Kemi's!  Can you imagine the adventures Sam and Kristy had collecting some of this stuff!  There are a lot of stories to be told just from this list of ingredients.  How are they all collected?  What sort of potions is she using them for?  I look forward to reading more about Sam's adventures.  Enjoy the ingredient list!  Hope you enjoyed the tour!

A work in progress, from the potion diary of Samantha Kemi

*Note to self: ingredients all have multiple uses – don’t count out an ingredient just because it’s not listed here

Ingredient name
Used in which cure?
Sam’s diary notes
Abominable Hair
For thawing cold shoulders
Alleviating agoraphobia
Love potions
Coarse, brittle – crumbles once removed from creature for too long
Abominables are lonely creatures – any potion that require ingredients to do with solitude or loneliness
Helps heal wounds of the sea – helps the blood clot and prevents scarring
Long, thin strips of green weed – distinguished from ordinary seaweed by its uniformly crinkled edges
Can be used on its own as a bandage if out to sea with no access to other first aid material
Agata’s Hazel
Main ingredient in a salve to clear a bruise in less than twenty-four hours
Similar to witch hazel, but history can be traced back to a Finder called Agata who grew her own species

Reacts with salt in mermaid skin and burns them
A fine powder, made by crushing up
Critical to keep in Finder’s pack if heading out to the Rising or near the sea – good for warding off nefarious sea creatures
Amber Laticifer tree
Ideal for binding and storing memories
Thick resin from its bark can be used in the creation of funeral pendants – common tradition especially in Zambi
Sap is very thick and sticky
Amethyst pendants
No known usages, although some claim the gem has calming properties
Extremely pretty and popular gemstone.
Kirsty sells these on her street stall – must remember to pick one up
Anemone powder
Skin reparation
Can be mixed with Witch Hazel to help close up and heal wounds – or to repair skin, such as burn wounds, etc.

Berd du Merlyn (also known as Merlin’s Beard)
Rare potion that can temporarily enhance wisdom
Very rare ingredient – almost impossible to source
Used to be smoked
There are rumours that there might not be any Merlin’s Beard left in the world. Even more annoying that we don’t have it.
For alertness and rejuvenation
Found in cocoa beans
Triple espresso from Coffee Magic is the fastest way to inject caffeine into your blood stream
For easing digestion, clearer skin
Tiny flat seeds, akin to fennel

Centaur’s eye
For potions requiring visions into the future
Last Wilde Hunt ingredient – extremely rare
Claimed by Zoro Aster to be the first synth ingredient ever made. Whatever.
Ingredient in sleep serum – known to have calming properties
Little needle-like petals, often found dried, from the chamomile flower.
Also makes a lovely fragrant tea.

Too many uses it’s stupid to list them all

Most potent in its pure, dark form
Literally my favourite thing in the world, but preferred when mixed into a milk chocolate bar!
Vitality of the mind, clearing blood clots, relief from colds and flu
A spice from the inner bark of a tree

Coca leaves
Altitude sickness cure
Thin, opaque leaves that can be chewed to help with altitude
Often gets confused with cacao plant as it looks very similar to the tree that produces chocolate – not the same!
Dragon’s tooth (reptilian)
Used in potions to settle disagreements
Also for boosting confidence (in correct dose)
Disagreeable and temperamental as an ingredient. Must be used with care as also forms the base of some dark potions.
Some people attempt to plant them, but to no effect
*This reference is to an actual dragon’s tooth, rather than to the plant by the same name
Eluvian ivy
Can be used in truth serums and binding potions
For loyalty
Long, thin tendrils that feeds on emotion – very dangerous to keep in stock in its live form – much preferred to crush into a powder
Key characteristic is loyalty – also a good (too good) sponge for emotion
Eluvian ivy flower
For high level potions involving a need for a change in perspective
A huge white blossom
Chemical mixes cannot replicate its effect
Very rare ingredient and difficult to work with. Not used in many potions but highly valued in some cultures
Normally well protected by the ivy!
Essence of Wisteria
Makes potions easier to digest
Also has soothing properties
An ornamental flower with some practical uses

Glow worm, threads
For shock and for daydreaming
To root the potion taker to Earth – especially helpful if they are away in the clouds
Different glow worms produce threads of different consistency, but the most potent have a subtle sheen that can be seen in the dark

For sore throats and empty wallets
A tiny yellow flower that grows in bunches – can be distilled into a bright gold liquid
Rumoured to have money-attracting properties but like the philosopher’s stone – has not been proven in recent history
Gullfish Eyes
No known usages
Pretty amber stone with a crimson streak throughout – the brighter the streak, the more costly the stone

For virility

Many varieties in different colours. Bloom found across the Bharat peninsula, into the Kang mountins and beyond, far into Shan province.

Jellyfish stingers
For use in the potion: Oblivion
Very painful to handle without gloves – although, like stinging nettle, can be handled
Can be brewed in Lethe water (which counteracts the stinging properties – although tea should be properly strained before drinking so that no traces of the stingers remain)

Ingredient in sleep serum
Known calming properties
Best when dried, although can be used fresh as well

Lethe Water
For use in the potion: oblivion
Naturally a very murky colour – but not cause for concern (although maybe offputting to the drinker)

Lunar Laurel Leaf
A key ingredient in potions for prosperity or for luck
Must be picked on the third new moon of the year

Maple syrup
For comfort and lethargy, to warm the blood
Produced by maple trees in cold climates
Delicious with everything, especially pancakes – and, strangely, bacon
Melling Bee Honey
Can also be effective against certain strands of hay fever

A touch of this triggers a sleep serum that works for me!
Merpearl, full moon oyster
For enhanced beauty and love potions
Most popular engagement ring stone.

Merrimack Leaf
A useful treatment for eczema
Dark green, very wide leaf that secretes a rich oil

Staunches blood flow
Oil can be used for chest infections and curing coughs
A flower with many tiny petals, almost feather-like.
Produces a deep blue essential oil when distilled.

Mountain sweet petals
To add to potions for schizophrenia and delusions.
The smoke will make abominables extremely sleepy
A delicate white flower that grows in bunches close to the ground in alpine areas

Oyster shell
Rosacea reduction (to soothe reddened skin)
Bone strengthening (for early onset osteoporosis)
The pearlescent inner lining of the shell is the most desired – it has to be peeled away from the rocky outer layer

Phoenix ashes
For potions to promote a long life
The purest ash is the strongest – if mixed with earth or soil, it loses its potency

Pricolici Breath
Once had potentially 400 uses. Most are now lost.
Creature extinct for three hundred years

Rose oil
Helps the essence of Wisteria mix with other potions
Essential oil extracted from rose petals – best steamed

Rose water
Potions base
Steep rose petals in water until reaches the right consistency
Ask granddad which is the best variety of rose works the best
Rosemary Oil
Memory aid
Essential oil extracted from rosemary leaves

Salamander Dust
A nasty powder that burns eyes and skin, causing insatiable itching
Fire salamanders spontaneously combust when they die – this dust is the most potent.

Shepherd’s purse
A stabilizing ingredient in the cure for Summoning shock
A relatively common weed, but has stabilizing properties in any potions

Silver meteorite
The main ingredient in a potion for curing Transporting shock
The name is a misnomer – iron meteorite would be more accurate. Very dense metal, but when cut open displays attractive lattice-like patterns

Sloth Hair
Common ingredient for sleep serum
Hair best taken from the sloth when it is sleeping

Sphinx Breath
For potions when clarity of communication is needed
For dyslexia
If captured whilst the Sphinx is speaking in riddles, the breath is stronger

Witch Hazel
To reduce scarring and bruising – apply as soon as the wound is closed
The leaves and bark of the plant can be used to form a paste
Mum’s divining rod is made from witch hazel twig
Wizard’s Beard
A key ingredient in potions dealing with shock
Helps to ease the sharing of bad news
Found in the Kan mountains
Thin strands should be brewed in hot water