

Monday, February 15, 2016

Kay's Lucky Coin Variety by Ann Y. K. Choi

Kay's Lucky Coin Variety is a coming of age story of young Mary stuck between two cultures.  Mary was born in Korea.  She can remember the day her family left for a better life in Canada.  A variety store in Toronto becomes their life.  Mary, her parents and brother, Josh must take their turn working shifts manning the store.  Is this the better life her parents dreamed of?  Selling cigarettes and newspapers and living in fear of being robbed and losing that days earnings or worse.

Mary begins each morning with a Korean soup prepared by her mother.  Then Mary heads to school where she struggles to fit in when there aren't any other Korean children around.  It's a struggle to maintain her Korean identity and adapt to her Canadian society.  It's a struggle for Mary to meet her parents expectations and dreams they have for her life.  She's in love with a white man but questions whether she could grow to love the Korean boy who whispers her birth name.
Kay's Lucky Coin Variety is the first novel for Toronto's Ann Y. K. Choi.  It will be on sale May 3rd, 2016.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Liberty Street by Dianne Warren

25229202Years ago before I started my blog I read Cool Water by Dianne Warren.  It was the story of a cast of characters living in a small Canadian town and it took place over the course of one day.  Since that time I have been frequently looking out for something new by Dianne Warren.  I subscribe to many email newsletters to keep me up to date on the latest book releases so I was completely surprised to see this one in Chapters and that I didn't already know about it.

Once again, the setting is a small town in Canada.  The story is about Frances Mary Moon and her coming of age story.  She grows up often not meeting the expectations of her parents.  She makes a few mistakes given the town folks lots to gossip about.  She manages to push some of those mistakes behind her and move on in a new relationship but when she witnesses a tragedy many years later the truth comes slipping out surprising her and her long term boyfriend.

I love Dianne Warren's writing style.  I look forward to her next novel.

Will to Survive by Eric Walters

Will to Survive (The Rule of Three #3)It's no secret that I love every Eric Walters book that I read.  He is very talented and if you ever get the chance to hear him speak - don't miss it!  The most viewed post on my blog is Sleeper by Eric Walters.  My very first published book review was of the Seven series that he was the mastermind behind.  I've also reviewed a few of his other books in between.

Today though is the final book in his Rule of Three trilogy.  First, you must read these books in order.  I don't want to say too much about this book in case you haven't read the first two yet.  Let me just say that I was satisfied with the ending.  I've read book one aloud to grade 7 and 8 classes and they've loved it!  You know you've hooked them when they ask you to read to them at lunch.  This series is fantastic for teenage boys but girls like it just as much.  Also, I've recommended it to a few adult men that haven't read a book and years and they all loved it.

I'm sorry to see it end.  I have eagerly awaited the last few February's for the most recent title.  I'm sure Eric Walters is currently working on something else for me to love.  I hope.  

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Speechless by Valerie Sherrard

1152626Jelly dreads the yearly speech competition at school but when this year's prize is revealed to be a gaming device he's extremely motivated.  Problem is that when Jelly has to talk in front of a group he's speechless.  Jelly's classmate Victoria wins every year.  Victoria's the school co-president.  She's every teacher's favourite.  How can Jelly compete with her?  What topic will win the votes from his classmates?

Speechless is a great read aloud.  It's funny and has many great discussion points.