I definitely judged this book by it's cover. The cover of this book is beautiful. There are a few pictures throughout The Imaginary and they are all very well done. I loved it.
The Imaginary would make a good read aloud for a younger grade. The Imaginary is the story of a young girl with an imaginary friend. Of course, she's the only one who can see him. Until....others can see him too. And she can see other imaginaries too. Danger is lurking for the imaginaries. A fun story for those with a great imagination.
Echo is a beautifully written story about a harmonica. Although the harmonica isn't magical it has a huge impact on the lives of it's various owners. The harmonica makes it's way to three different owners throughout the story. The three children that possess the harmonica are each experiencing some difficult times in their lives. They each have a great appreciation for music. They are also very appreciative for small gifts.
Echo is a beautifully written children's novel that could easily be enjoyed by many adults as well. It's quite long - over 500 pages. Definitely a book for an avid reader. Last year my school had a visit by Marsha Skrypuch. Her books are still requested quite frequently. I think this would be a good suggestion for her fans.