

Monday, August 22, 2016

Fragile Bones: Harrison & Anna by Lorna Schultz Nicholson

24837202  Harrison is a 15 year old boy diagnosed with high functioning autism.  He can travel through his high school days with few incidents but he has his triggers and if those triggers start piling up they can lead to a melt down.  Harrison uses many coping tactics to avoid melt downs especially now that he's in high school but sometimes life just overwhelms him.  Other times bullies bring him down.

This year Harrison has joined the 'Best Buddies' club and he's got a new friend named Anna.  Through this new friendship Harrison pushes himself to try new things and he's thrilled to have a new friend.  Anna learns how to be a good friend to someone living with autism.

Fragile Bones is the first book of a series called One 2 One that explores students at Sir Winston Churchill Secondary school.