

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Spurt by Chris Miles

Spurt by Chris Miles was a book written for a teenage boy that is eagerly waiting for puberty to arrive.  Spurt is definitely not written for a 40 year old woman who is the mother of a teenage boy waiting to grow like his friends.  After reading page one I knew this book belonged on a night stand down the hall from mine.

Spurt is the story of Jack Sprigley.  I grade 8 boy that is eagerly awaiting puberty to hit.  After avoiding his friends for two weeks at winter break he was really hoping that this might have been his chance to grow.  A quick glance down his pajama bottoms reveals nothing has grown.  Soon after a plan hatches to fake that puberty has hit.  His excuse for not seeing his friends over break - he spent the two weeks masturbating.

I wasn't able to obtain a copy of the cover but it's a young boy's chest with a single hair taped to his chest.  Spurt is a funny book about the pangs of being a young teenage boy.  I'm sure with the right audience it could be a hit but the target audience is not a 40 year old mom.

Spurt is published by Simon and Schuster and will be in stores (and libraries!) early February 2017.