

Monday, August 7, 2017

The Ice-Cream Makers by Ernest van der Kwast

32895292Making ice cream is hard work.  There are a lot of long days.  Churn churn churn the ice cream.  It takes a family to run a successful ice cream shop.  Giovanni comes from a long line of ice cream makers.  Imagine then the upset when Giovanni decides he doesn't want to be in the family business.  He wants to travel the world reading poetry.  When Giovanni pops home from is world travels his father makes constant jabs about his 'work'.  His brother won't even speak to him for 12 years until he needs a favour.  A big favour.  

I found The Ice-Cream Makers a bit hard to get into at first.  The book jumps around a bit which caused me to have to go back and re-read paragraphs feeling I had missed a detail.  Every night I read I was craving ice cream and I would love to travel to the village on the cover.  Ernest van der Kwast has left me dreaming of Italy and ice cream.  

The Ice-Cream Makers will be in store August 1st, 2017.

Edit - I've just come back from Italy and I thought of this book often.  There are so many ice cream makers around Italy and it's certainly true that they need to compete for new and competitive flavours.  So yummy!