Ruthie has the perfect life. She has her dream job working at an art museum. She adores her teenage daughter Jem. She has some lingering feelings for her ex-husband but somehow through it all they've managed to stay good friends. She also loves her home on Long Island. It needs a bit of work so to pay for some upgrades and save for the future they rent the home out ever summer. It works.
But after many summers of leaving their home it's starting to wear on Ruthie and Jem. This summer seems particularly draining as they're staying at a friend's mansion while they travel to Paris. The rich summer folks seem everywhere.
Ruthie certainly is the main character of The High Season but the story has a number of fun characters and story lines. What I found interesting is that the characters and story lines cross many generations. Jem has her typical teenage drama happening among her so called friends. Then there is 27 year old Lucas who is living in Ruthie's house. Ruthie has her own drama going on with all the adults. Somehow the story all fits together. But can Ruthie keep it together until the end of summer?