I had seen Rachel's books on book lists for a while now. I saw her name pop up online but I hadn't been bothered to check her out. This January I started a weight loss challenge and one night I found myself looking for some inspiration. I can't remember the exact quote I stumbled upon but the jest of it was that what I want right now is not more important than my bigger dream/goal. It's a quote that I have used for months now. I want to stay home and not go to gym - not part of my goal. I want to eat a Timbit - not going to get me to my goal. Girl, Stop Apologizing is a book that women will find a chapter that they can relate to. Rachel's writing is funny and casual like a conversation. Topics range from weight, religion, friendships, children and more. She's not afraid to get uncomfortable and tackle some tough topics either. If you are looking for some inspiration or some reassurance to let you know you don't have to regret that last bad choice then pick up Girl, Stop Apologizing at Chapters. Order before April 7th and spend $30 to get 10x the Plum Points.