

Monday, September 23, 2019


Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE Chapters Indigo.  I love the store, love the brand, love their Plum Points system and most of all love their Love of Reading program where they help local schools.  I've seen Chapters do amazing things with the Love of Reading program.  It changes schools I promise you.  Local - in your community schools.

This Monday to Wednesday (September 23 to 25th) you can receive 500 Plum points for every book you purchase!!  That's HUGE!!!  Those points really add up.  As much as I love shopping at Chapters all the time, there is nothing like shopping at Chapters when you've earned the free $100 in points.  That is a good time.

Last week we had meet the teacher for my son's high school.  While meeting his English teacher she mentioned what book they would be reading this semester.  I visited Indigo on the weekend and picked up a copy for my son.  I know he could get a copy from his classroom but this way I told him he could highlight and make notes throughout the book and this would help write his essay and study.  I have to say he was pretty shocked to hear me say he could write in the book.  I just think this is a great study tool and might just give him an edge.  What novel studies are your teens reading in high school?  My youngest is reading The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian.

Visit Chapters/Indigo online and purchase some fun new reads for you and your kiddos.  Load up on some points!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Precious Cargo by Craig Davidson


Craig Davidson was desperate for a job.  He would take any old job at this point.  That's why when he found himself interviewing for a school bus driver job he was taking the questions a bit more seriously because he couldn't screw up, he needed this job.

Craig soon found himself the driver of bus # 3077 with a group of great kids.  Precious Cargo is Craig's memoir of his days driving the bus.  Children can be so open with stories (some real and some made up) and Craig's days were filled with them.  Beginning their days and ending their days together every day forming friendships is inevitable.  Quickly Craig comes to really care about the children on his bus.

This book really struck a chord with me as I have had the privilege of working at a school with children.  Just today I worked as lunch supervisor at a school and the stories you accumulate in just that one hour are plenty.  

Precious Cargo was featured on Canada Reads 2019.  It is available at Chapters in paperback.