

Thursday, April 23, 2020

What you Wish For by Katherine Center


What You Wish For almost felt like a book written for me.  There are two good reasons I picked up this book to read.  1. It takes place in Galveston, Texas which is one of my most favourite places to be.  My husband I went there for our 20th wedding anniversary.  It is a beautiful island.  I talk all the time about when I can go back again.  If you go - check out the San Luis resort - AMAZING!  2. I'm a school librarian and so is Sam, the main character.  Well, a supply now, but still, I can relate.  Sam is the librarian I strive to be.  She is a super star librarian.

Sam is an 'Islander by Choice' in Galveston.  She moved to the island 4 years ago after a love that was not reciprocated.  Now she's established a great group of friends and a great job at a school she loves.  That is until her beloved principal passes suddenly leaving the whole community shook up.

When it's announced that her old love will be the principal, Sam makes a plan to quit and start over somewhere new.  There's no way she can handle that heartache again.  But when Duncan Carpenter walks in to the cafeteria it's like he's a totally different man.  No longer fun loving, he's become a man in a grey suit that wants to change everything that is loved about their school.  Worse he wants to lock it up like a jail.  Sam blames the changes on his new wife.

Despite all the changes Duncan has made Sam still finds her heartstrings pulling.  Perhaps it's time for her to walk away. 

I really enjoyed What You Wish For.  I loved the characters and the setting was described just as I remembered it.  During this Covid-19 isolation I was happy to head back to Galveston for a few pages.  Grab this book and read it pool side at the San Luis with a plate of their yummy food and a cocktail.