
Thursday, September 10, 2020

Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty

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Note: I am writing this review without having finished the book.

I am a fiction reader and very rarely do a read non-fiction.  I picked up Think Like a Monk because I have a friend who really enjoys Jay Shetty on social media.  Also, like most people these last few months of Covid haven't been easy for me.  

I began reading Think Like a Monk as I do all books - flipping pages and reading chapter after chapter in one sitting.  Until one day I realized I might not be absorbing some of the wisdom Shetty was imparting.  I decided to slow down my reading.  Going back and rereading chapters.  Really thinking about what was being said and how I could apply some of his messages in my daily life.  This is why I haven't finished the book.  Yet.

I wanted to share my review now though because his book is being released this week.  The book is easy to read and applicable to I would say almost everyone.  This book is written pre-covid but I'm wondering if as I read on there may be an after word or last chapter that references the times we are going through.

I have never tried meditation and I'm not quite sure it's for me.  But I have tried a breathing exercise that Shetty walks us through and I did find it calming.  Also, my kids broke into an argument as I was reading that if you think/say a negative comment about someone follow it with 10 positive.  I quickly put that into practice in the middle of the fight.  Although it didn't work exactly as planned, it did end the argument and had them both forgetting their argument and looking at me like 'really Mom?!?'.

Haven't heard of Jay Shetty?  He studied business in University in England.  While all his classmates were going to parties and getting jobs in big businesses, Jay was taking every spare moment and spending it in a monastery.  When school ended he spent 3 years as a Monk.  Now he his a motivational speaker appearing on tv talk shows.  This is his first book.

Although I don't believe Jay Shetty planned the timing of his book I do believe it could be a lifeline for those struggling with life right now.  Think Like a Monk may not have all the answers but a few strategies that may help.  My advise - don't power through this book.  Take your time.  Also, check out Jay Shetty on Instagram for ongoing interviews and words of wisdom.