There are secrets that have been buried for decades. Friendships that have been broken over these secrets. Now Dana Goss is in her 60's and thinks the air should be cleared but maybe things should be left unsaid. Maybe no one wants to hear the truth anymore.
Dana has grown up incredibly rich. She lives in the big house with Mexican immigrants taking care of the families every whim. Dana is used to people agreeing with her. If she says a horse is a girl named Cindy then most don't argue. But Jackie, the girl next door, will let her know that horse is clearly a boy.
Although Jackie doesn't come close to the same financial status as Dana's family, her honesty binds the girls in an inseparable friendship. When Jackie is close to getting the man of her dreams But can a friendship withstand someone like Dana who knows no boundaries?
Hap is a proud new father. Hap has been raised by his single mother. His father swoops in from his job in journalism full of stories and excitement. Now he hasn't seen his father in years but he's in town and wants to meet his new granddaughter and connect with his son.
The End of the Day is full of good people that each made decisions that they question as years go on. How would things have been different if they'd chosen the other fork in the road but at the end of the day they've got to live with the choices they've made.
Bill Clegg is also the author of Did You Ever Have a Family which I reviewed previously on my blog. I really enjoyed both Clegg's books and look forward to reading more from him.