

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Our Last Days in Barcelona by Chanel Cleeton

Is it just me or do all avid readers have shelves of books that are unread?  There is something about heading into Indigo and browsing the displays.  If Heather Reisman, Reese Witherspoon or Oprah recommend it, I'm probably going to buy it.  But it often takes me some time to read it.  I've purchased a few Chanel Cleeton books but this is the first that I have read.  Our Last Days in Barcelona has rave reviews from both Oprah and Reese Witherspoon which means chances are you're about to start a great story.

I've picked up many of Chanel Cleeton's books.  I can't resist the covers.  I want to be on that beach in Barcelona right now!  Yet - this is the first Chanel Cleeton book I have read, but most certainly not the last.

Isabel Perez is living in Florida.  Her sister, Beatriz is in Spain.  None of her sisters have heard from her in a while and one of them should go to Barcelona to ensure she's OK.  The timing is perfect because Isabel needs a vacation and she's never been to Spain before.  She also needs some time away from her husband.

While searching for her sister she finds a picture of her and her mom at the cafe down the street.  But Isabel has never been to Spain.  It doesn't make any sense.  When she questions her mom she says she's never been to Spain either and quickly changes the topic.  Yet there's no questioning that this is a picture of her and her mom in Spain.

Our Last Days in Barcelona takes place in 1964 but it switches often to 1936 to tell the story of Isabel's mother.  I really enjoyed this story.  I enjoyed all the characters and their relationships.  It was the perfect amount of adventure, love and history.  I will definitely be reading Chanel Cleeton's other novels soon.