

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Bookish People by Susan Coll


If you've ever dreamed of working in a book store Bookish People is for you.  If you've ever thought the idea of working in a book store, Bookish People, will convince you otherwise.  Although, this particular bookstore in DC does seem particularly full of activity.

Sophie Bernstein loves her bookstore and employees.  When her husband passes away and the news of the world makes her feel like it's all too much, Mrs. Bernstein begins a plan to hide away in a secret room within the bookstore.

The world seems against her plans though when a series of events make Mrs. Bernstein feel like she can't get a moment of peace.  Everyone seems to need her attention.  Her keys are locked in the Qwerk III.  The power keeps going out.  Her son, Michael, a yoga instructor, has borrowed the shop's van and doesn't seem to have plans to give it back.  On top of that there seems to be an endless amount of party invitations all with different themes.

Clemi is the store's event planner.  She has booked a very controversial poet to speak at the store.  Mrs. Bernstein is worried about the event and really wants her to cancel but Clemi ulterior motives and this event must go on.  Clemi also is pulled in many different directions and all she wants is a minute alone with the poet.

Also, what's that fishy smell coming from the closet?

Bookish People has many lovable characters .  I really enjoyed the novel and all the craziness it had going on.  This story might be a bit extreme but working in libraries and bookstores are definitely never dull.