The Seaside Sisters by Pamela Kelley is a good beach read for this summer as it takes place in Cape Cod. I always love a book that's set in Cape Cod. Reading about the beautiful beaches and dreaming about being near the ocean is always a good summer read.
Hannah lives in New York and since her mother passed she's been having panic attacks. Hannah is also an author. Her first book has recently been published but now she's in a rut working on the second book. When her Aunt calls and suggest spending the summer on Cape Cod she thinks being around family and the beach might just be the answer to help her relax. Her sister lives there too and it would be good to spend more time with her.
As predicted being with her aunt and sister do help ease her stress and slowly the words start flowing again. Hannah joins a local writing group and starts making new friends. Spending the summer here is great but it's not Brooklyn.
The book is called The Seaside Sisters but Hannah feels like the main character. There is a small side story about her Aunt and her sister but they all seemed second to Hannah's story. I think I would choose a different title for the book as the sister relationship wasn't a main theme of the book.
This book took me a bit to get into the characters and I admit I almost stopped reading it. But I persevered and enjoyed the book in the end. At times I found some of the story repetitive but I enjoyed reading about all the scenery and food. I also felt the ending was too rushed.