

Monday, July 8, 2024

The Forever Dog by Dr Karen Shaw Becker


I'm a dog mom to a wonderful Australian Labradoodle named Howard.  To say we are obsessed with him is an understatement.  We do our best to take care of him.  Whenever we are chopping up some fruits or vegetables we generally ask Google if it's safe for dogs and then place a small amount of that food in Howie's food bowl.

The Forever Dog Life book has us taking a new approach.  Now instead of a nibble off whatever healthy foods we might be having we are giving him larger portions and cooking specifically for Howie.  I've learned a lot about nutrition for dogs from this book.  For instance, Howie now gets 3 full eggs a week in the past he would have had a nibble occassionally.  Howie is a very happy dog since I've found this book.  If in doubt always check with your veterinarian.

Some of Howie's favourite foods are eggs, sardines, sweet potato, cheese, peppers, cucumbers, watermelon, green tea, celery, plain chicken and more.  We still rely on kibble for his main food source.

The book has suggestions for meal replacements, foods to eat on a regular basis, meal toppers and more.  If you have a furry pet I would highly recommend this book.