
Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Meaning of Maggie by Megan Jean Sovern

18656207Maggie is a very self absorbed 11 year old girl.  She loves school.  She plans to be president - she's already campaigning.  Maggie loves food, especially candy.  She also loves her super cool dad and her stay at home mom.  She tolerates her two older sisters.

When Maggie's stay at home mom suddenly goes back to work and her super cool dad quits his job to stay home, Maggie is determined to figure out what's going on.  She knows Dad's legs have been falling asleep a lot but what does that mean?  Is it a big deal?  Why is the letter M always missing from the encyclopedia set at home?

Maggie sets out to do her science fair project on curing her dad.  She's won the science fair the last few years.  She's confident this year will be a winner too - at home and school.  But she has to figure out what everyone in her family knows and is protecting her from.

I loved the way Maggie grew in this story.  I also loved the way her family tried to protect her and then realized she wasn't a baby anymore and needed the truth.