
Showing posts with label Advance Reader Copy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advance Reader Copy. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Blue by Lucy Clarke

24692912A few years ago I read a book by Lucy Clarke titled Swimming at Night and I loved it!  So when I was asked to review The Blue, also by Lucy Clarke, I jumped at the chance.

Lana has just received some devastating news.  Lana runs to her dearest friend, Kitty, who also has her own share of problems she's coping with.  Together the two friends make a plan to leave their worries behind.  With a spin of the globe their destination is decided and London, England is behind them and their future is forward.

The girls meet up with a group of free spirits that are enjoying life at sea.  The group seem to be living the dream and the girls are excited when they are invited to join the crew.  Life couldn't get better than this.

But everyone in the group has their share of problems that they are trying to escape and they've all got secrets that they are trying to keep.  Will the truth drive them apart or force them together?

Lucy Clarke describes the ocean life with such detail.  I enjoyed most of the book from the comfort of my hammock.  Between Clarke's words and the gently sway I was easily swept away.  A perfect summer read.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Miss Emily by Nuala O'Connor

23398782I've always said I will read anything except historical fiction.  I don't like historical fiction.  But then a while back I won a huge Pride and Prejudice gift package and I thought I'd give Longbourn by Jo Baker a try.  Well, it was the strangest thing, I loved it!

Recently I was offered a review copy of Miss Emily by Nuala O'Connor.  My first reaction was, I don't think so, I don't read historical fiction.  But then I saw in the description that it was compared to Longbourn and I really loved Longbourn.  So I gave it a try.  It seems maybe I really do like historical fiction or at least some of it.

Miss Emily is the famous real life poet Emily Dickinson.  The book is a story of Miss Emily and a fictional Irish maid, Ada.  Ada has left Ireland to live with her aunt and uncle in Massachusetts and she finds work with the Dickinson family.  Ada and Miss Emily quickly become fond of each other and they bond over baking gingerbread and Irish soda bread.  Ada finds love and trouble in Massachusetts.  It's a good thing she's got Miss Emily looking out for her

I really enjoyed Miss Emily.  I  was left wanting more.  More of the characters and gingerbread cookies!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Abroad by Katie Crouch

4632388Abroad was a truly twisted book.  The story is about Tabitha, known by her friends as Taz.  She is on a year abroad studying at a University in Italy.  She arrives in Italy alone and eager for new friendships and experiences.  Both friends and experiences quickly come her way but neither exactly what she had in mind.  Everyone has secrets.  Everyone is telling lies.  Taz experiments with alcohol and drugs and sometimes doesn't remember the experiences that she's had.

I know this book has been compared to the real life events of the Amanda Knox story.  I haven't followed the reports in the news to make comparisons myself.  

I would expect that Abroad might make quite an interesting movie.  Abroad could serve as a good warning to any young students travelling abroad.

I received a free copy of this book from Goodreads.