
Showing posts with label Grade 4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grade 4. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Restart by Gordon Korman


Gordon Korman is an amazing Canadian author.  He published his first book when he was just 14 years old and went on to publish four more novels before he graduated high school.  I remember reading his books when I was in school.  Today Gordon Korman knows his audience just as well as he did back then.  Restart is a hilarious novel that I read aloud to a grade 4/5 class this year.  The characters were funny and students could relate to them.  

Chase Ambrose is the biggest bully in school.  No one is out of Chase's target zone.  He picks on everyone.  Until one day he falls off the roof of his house and gets amnesia.  What's more shocking is that Chase that fell of the roof is actually a nice guy and has no memory of being the school bully.  Many students wonder if it can really be true.  Chase wonders if he really could have been that bad.  If Chase's memory comes back will he still be the nice guy or go back to his old ways?

This would be a great book to pick up for a junior grade student to read this summer.  I wonder if we might see it on the Forest of Reading list in November.  He also has a new book called Whatshisface that just came out and looks to be just as funny.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Lyttle Lies: The Pudding Problem by Joe Berger

33980482Sam has been known to tell a tall tale.  He will admit that he has a reputation for telling the truth.  The truth is complicated.  Like an elephant.  It's just too big to deal with.  So Sam chooses not to deal with the truth.  Instead he tells these elaborate stories that mostly get him into trouble.  Mostly everyone knows he's lying but even when faced with the pressure of telling the truth Sam still stretches the tale.

Fortunately though Sam (and the author Joe Berger) are great storytellers.  The Pudding Problem is a fun and enjoyable twisted tale.  Even though Sam is a compulsive liar, he is a likable character.  Most of his lies are harmless except when dealing with big mean Feeney.

I really connected with this story.  When I was in grade 2 someone stole my sandwich at school.  I ate a summer sausage sandwich every day.  Mine was missing from my lunch bag.  But Katie had a summer sausage sandwich in her lunch bag that looked like one my Dad makes me.  I'm inclined to believe that the teacher and principal believed me as I'm not a compulsive liar like Sam - and maybe how little Katie was.  In the end my parents were called and said there was definitely a summer sausage sandwich in my bag.  Anybody else have to deal with a Sam or Katie when they were a kid?  

Lyttle Lies: The Pudding Problem is a nice clean fun story.  I love the lie detector that comes at the back of the book.  I think this would be a real hit with my students and I will definitely purchase this book for my school library.  I think this story has the makings of a great sequel and I'm sure we will see more of Sam.  

This book is in stores now and is recommended for children ages 8-12.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Imaginary by A. F. Harrold

The Imaginary

I definitely judged this book by it's cover.  The cover of this book is beautiful.  There are a few pictures throughout The Imaginary and they are all very well done.  I loved it.

The Imaginary would make a good read aloud for a younger grade.  The Imaginary is the story of a young girl with an imaginary friend.  Of course, she's the only one who can see him.  Until....others can see him too.  And she can see other imaginaries too.  Danger is lurking for the imaginaries.  A fun story for those with a great imagination.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Awesome is Everywhere by Neil Pasricha

24876653I have long been a subscriber to Neil Pasricha's blog and have been eagerly awaiting a children's version of his chart topping books.  Awesome is Everywhere does not disappoint.  This book is on sale September 29th but one of the students at my school saw him speak at a book festival last weekend and Neil gave her an autographed copy.  She was so excited that she brought it in to show me and said that I could read it to my library classes all week.  It has been awesome seeing their reactions.  I have read the story to the kindergartens, the grade 8's and all grades in between.

Awesome is Everywhere reads a bit like a meditation book.  I encouraged students to close their eyes and pretend they were on a beach while I read.  The short story also has some relaxation breathing.  For me the ending is the best.  Where is the best place on earth?  Right here in the classroom surrounded by all the awesome kids of course.  There is a mirror at the back and I take the time to make sure each person gets a chance to see themselves.  It was very interesting to watch their reactions.  Some students made funny faces but most smiled.  Some appeared shy.  Only one boy refused to look at all.  Made me think he needs to be told he's awesome a little bit more often.

The story may seem quite primary for the grade 8's but when you flash the last page around they are all smiles.

Neil will be at the Word on the Street in Kitchener on September 26th.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Nick and Tesla's Special Effects Spectacular by "Science Bob" Pflugfelder

22889873Recently I've been reading some articles about MakerSpaces.  They are all the buzz these days.  A MakerSpace are often for children but can certainly be for adults as well.  They are spaces setup in libraries or other community areas where people are encouraged to create or "make".  MakerSpaces may be simple things like origami or Lego or high tech such as 3D printers.  MakerSpaces could be knitting and sewing machines or hammers, nails and wood.  Anything to create.  It is a growing trend and if you haven't heard about it do a quick search to see what is available in your area.

The Nick and Tesla series caught my eye on a recent shopping trip for my school library.  Without having any reviews to go on I took a risk and scooped up the 5 book series.  Am I glad I did!  I've only had a chance to read Nick and Tesla's Special Effects Spectacular but I can tell that I am going to love this series and I think teachers and students will too.

Nick and Tesla are brother and sister.  It seems each book has a bit of a mystery that they stumble upon and work to solve.  While unraveling the mystery they work on these awesome projects to create cool stuff.  Unfortunately I didn't have time to do one of the projects before posting my review but they seemed totally do-able and fun.  

I'm really hoping I can convince one of the teachers to do this as a read aloud this year and do one of the crafts with the kids.  I'm very excited about this series.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Lost in the Mountains of Death by Tracey Turner

24205966Lost is a new series that I just got at my school in June so no one has even had a chance to read it yet.  I thought I would sneak it home to read this summer and share with my two sons.  I love it!!  I read Lost in the Mountains of Death.  The book is written just like the Choose Your Own Adventure books that some might remember from when they were kids.  The great thing about this series though is that it's based on real facts.  So don't tell the kids but they're actually learning from it!

This one takes place in the Patagonian Andes.  The book starts off by giving an over of the climate, dangers in the area, etc.  Then it's straight into the action.  You awake in the middle of a snowstorm.  You get your bearings and quickly have to make decisions on what you will do next.  Go find your friends or build shelter.  You must way the risks and consequences of each decision.  But the fun part of the story is that you are the main character and you choose the path. 

I think this book would be great as a class read aloud.  I made it through one scenario in just a few minutes.  I can't wait to read this with the kids at school.  I think they are going to love them.

I would highly recommend this series for kids grade 4 to 8 that enjoy adventure and survival.  Teachers I'm certain there would be many ties that you could make to your curriculum with this series.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Audrey by Dan Bar-El

20819742Earlier this year I had been browsing for writing contests for the writing club that I was running for the students at school.  I came across a fun writing contest on Dan Bar-El's Audrey blog .  Shortly after my youngest son and I were chatting and I suggested he give it a shot.  The contest was quite fun to write since the requirements were very silly.  You had to pick an animal and have it escape from somewhere using different items.  My son laughed so hard writing his story and fortunately Dan Bar-El must have too because he won!!  He was awarded with an autographed copy of Audrey for himself and one to donate to his school.  He was so excited and proud.  It was a huge boost to his confidence to think that an author had picked his story.

Audrey (Cow) is the story of a cow, obviously, named Audrey.  Audrey has many great friends on the farm.  She very much enjoys her days at Bittersweet Farm.  But there's been talk her days are numbered and that a truck might be coming to take her away.  A plan is hatched and everyone chips in to aid Audrey's escape.  Once she leaves the farm she finds new creatures she's never seen before, some kind and others not so kind.  All the while she's trying to enjoy her new found freedom there's two-leggers always on the prowl for her.

My son (age 9) and I really enjoyed Audrey (Cow) as a read aloud.  The voices came easy.  This book would be a perfect read aloud or a good chapter book for grades 3 or 4.  

Dan Bar-El is a very talented children's author living in British Columbia.  He has some fantastic picture books as well.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Because of Mr. Terupt by Rob Buyea

7783920I had never even heard of Because of Mr. Terupt when my son came home from school and told me that his grade 4/5 teacher was reading it out loud.  He loved it and wanted us to also read it together at home in the night at the same time she was reading it.  So of course, I went along with his plan!

It is amazing!!  I loved it!  The book is about a grade 5 class that gets a brand new teacher, Mr. Terupt.  The book focuses on 7 students in the class which each chapter written from a different student's perspective (which I believe is part of grade 4/5 curriculum!).  Mr. Terupt has so many fun ways of teaching that gets his class (and readers!) so excited and having fun while learning.  A great example is his lesson on dollar words - Google it!  

The students have to deal with many life issues in the class in the same way a regular class might have students dealing with issues such as weight, divorce, death, etc.

I would highly recommend this as a read aloud for any grade 4/5 classes.  My son loved it and so did I!  There is a sequel to the book Mr. Terupt Falls Again.  From the reviews I've read this book is good but not suitable as a read aloud and is best read by a mature grade 6/7.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate

11594337I absolutely love the story of The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate.  I've just finished reading it for the second time.  The story is about a silver back named Ivan.  Ivan lives in a cage at the mall where he is a main attraction.  He spends his days watching tv and painting.  Mack, the owner of the mall, sells his paintings in the gift shop.  Ivan can barely remember life before the mall became his domain until a baby elephant, Ruby, is brought to live at the mall.  Ivan doesn't want to see Ruby live her entire life in a cage in the mall.  But what can a might silver back stuck in a cage do to save an elephant?

The One and Only Ivan is based on a true story of a gorilla named Ivan living in Atlanta.  There is also a picture book that outlines his life.

For grade 4 teachers this book is a perfect connection to studies on habitats.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Flora & Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo

16052012I read Flora & Ulysses out loud to my son (starting grade 4) as our bedtime book.  This book had both of us eager to make sure story time happened every night.  We both equally enjoyed Flora & Ulysses.

The story is about a little girl named Flora.  She unexpectedly becomes friends with a squirrel that has some unique capabilities.  Great silliness and adventures begin.  It was a great story that we both enjoyed.  I think I might tackle it as a read aloud to a grade 4 class.  My only hesitation is that there are many big words that the kids probably won't know the meaning of.  But I think they are mostly used in a manner that the kids understand the meaning even if they aren't familiar with the word.  My son didn't interrupt to ask what words meant and I know he doesn't know many of these words.  I think he would have struggled to read the book on his own though.

The only other part I found slightly weird is that Flora's mother is a smoker.  It seemed unnecessary to the story.  Also, at one point it seemed that the smoking was almost romanticized when it is described how Flora's mother was blowing perfect O's.  It just seemed an odd addition to the book.

When I asked my son what he thought we should read next he told me he wanted to read book two next.  He was shocked when I told him there wasn't a next book.  It's up to you to create the next parts in your dreams.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Brilliant World of Tom Gates by L. Pichon


The Brilliant World of Tom Gates by L. Pichon is wildly popular at my school.  I have the first four books in this series at my school library and they are always on hold.  I can see why the kids enjoy it.  The pages are short and funny with great little doodles all over the place that really add to the story.

Currently L. Pichon has 7 Tom Gates books as well as a handful of picture books available.  I will definitely be adding the rest of the Tom Gates books to my library collection.  These books are so popular with the grade 4 and 5 girls and boys.  I love when they all get excited and chatting about the same books.  This is a great series because it doesn't take them long to read it so it's normally changing hands every week which keeps the interest going.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Skink on the Brink by Lisa Dalrymple

Skink on the Brink cover FINALSkink on the Brink tells the story of a little lizard that is on the brink of extinction.  The book is full of interesting facts about the Skink such as habitat, life-cycle and more.

Skink on the Brink is illustrated by Suzanne Del Rizzo.  The pictures in this book are absolutely amazing!  They are stunning.  

The cover says the book is 'A Tell-Me-More! Storybook'.  The books are published in Ontario, Canada in 2013 which means lots of up to date Canadian content - something I look for when purchasing library books.  If I remember correctly, grade 4 has a unit on extinct animals in the curriculum.  This would be a great book for that unit.

I read this book with my son who is starting grade 4 in the fall and he really enjoyed it.  I will definitely look for more books in this series and be adding this series to my fall shopping list.