Julia, Child is the story of two best friends that love to cook and love being kids and having fun. One day the friends decide to create a recipe to help the grown-ups become young again. The idea of turning all the grown-ups young is quite funny and I think young readers would have fun envisioning the adults in their lives as young.
Julia, Child wasn't what I first expected it to be, but once I dismissed my expectations I quite enjoyed it. This book is not about Julia Child but it does have some of her spirit. Julia Child had wonderful friendships, she loved French food, she loved to cook and she wasn't afraid to learn and try new things; the story Julia, Child has all these things.
Both my children love to cook so I could picture reading this with them and then talking about what ingredients we might combine to make someone young. Then we could head to the kitchen to make a batch of cookies or try something new and different just like Julia would do.
Kyo Maclear is a Canadian author. Julia, Child will be published in July 2014 by Tundra Books.