
Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Book with no Pictures by B. J. Novak

BookWithNoPictures_3DThis week I've been reading The Book With No Pictures to all my primary classes.  They love it!!  Today I even read with a grade 5 class and they begged me to read it again.  I'm sure anyone walking by the library would have wondered what we were up to because they kids were so loud!

I start off by apologizing for picking such a boring book.  Some of the kids buy into this but most of them don't believe me because I always read the best books.  I start reading and I hear some mumblings.  Well as the rules of reading state, the person reading the book must read every word, no matter what.  BLORK!!!  Totally ridiculous!!  This books gets the grown up readers to say silly words and the kids are laughing hysterically.  So much fun.  So simple.  It's a must read.  Now all the kids at school are dying to take it home and trick their parents with it.

Got the kids loving books.  Got them all worked up shouting and laughing.  Sent them back to their teachers.  Love my job!  Love this book!