I have been very anxious for the sequel to Rule of Three to come out. The wait is over and it was worth the wait but again I'm left wanting more. Rule of Three begins with the main character, Adam, sitting in his high school when the power goes out. All the kids reach for their cell phones and are puzzled when they don't work either. Neither do most cars but Adam's got an old clunker of a car and it still works. Seems nothing with any sort of computer automation works. As the days going on Adam and his neighbours struggle to survive. In Fight for Power the struggle for survival continues. The book is fast paced and action packed. I did find Fight for Power to be a bit more violent then Rule of Three. I am reading Rule of Three as a read aloud to Grade 6, 7 and 8 classes but I don't think I will read Fight for Power out loud. Although I don't think I need to either. The kids are all hooked on it and I know there will be a wait list for kids to start reading it. I've been asked if it's appropriate for grade 7 and 8 since I said it was more violent. I think it is but I will warn kids before they take it. My son is in grade 7 and he loved the first book. There's no way I could stop him from reading the second. The Forest of Reading is holding a contest for readers to place themselves in the story of the Rule of Three. Eric Walters will pick the winner and the prize is to have their name in the third book!! Such a cool prize. I wish I wasn't too old to participate. I know many adults that enjoyed the first book as well. It would make a good pick for father and son book club.
And now the long wait begins for the third and final book in the series.