
Saturday, February 28, 2015

This is Sadie by Sara O'Leary

Sadie is a lovely little girl with a wonderful imagination and she loves to have fun.  Sometimes her friends are characters from the books she reads and imagines herself within the story.  Sometimes her friends are people who live on her street.  Where some people might just see a box; Sadie sees a boat.  Sadie can't see wings on her back but she knows they are there.  Do you have wings?

This is Sadie is a new book that will be published in May by Tundra books.  I was fortunate to receive an e-book copy from NetGalley.  I loved the character of Sadie.  She has such a wonderful imagination.  Her creativity seems to be fuelled by reading books.  My favourite page in the book is when Sadie is looking at her wings and the author asks the reader if we have wings too.  Love it!  The illustrations by Julie Morstad were perfect.  A lovely picture book that I will be certain to add to my library shelves this spring.  Sara O'Leary is a Canadian author and I believe this book could be showing up on next year's Blue Spruce list.