First off, I quite like Ruth Ohi. I had the chance to meet her this past winter. I thought she was quite sweet as she sat signing autographs and personalizing them all with special little drawings.
However, I would have preferred to see this book with a bit more detail. The story was quite short. I think the story could have been a bit more developed and it would have made a fantastic nominee for the Silver Birch Express category in the Forest of Reading.
I think that would be one of my biggest complaints about the Blue Spruce/Forest of Reading. There are ten books in each category that we librarians work quite hard at promoting to the students. But I feel those ten books should be something that I could recommend to everyone in the targeted age group. With Kenta and the Big Wave I really hesitated to read this to my Kindergarten to Grade 3 classes. It felt like too deep of a topic to tackle in a short library period. In the end, I did read it but only because there was another title that I felt I didn't want to tackle with the kids. I know the kids will call me out for skipping one and I would never get away with skipping two. This book just felt too serious for that age group but yet too simple for older grades.