
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Nick and Tesla's Special Effects Spectacular by "Science Bob" Pflugfelder

22889873Recently I've been reading some articles about MakerSpaces.  They are all the buzz these days.  A MakerSpace are often for children but can certainly be for adults as well.  They are spaces setup in libraries or other community areas where people are encouraged to create or "make".  MakerSpaces may be simple things like origami or Lego or high tech such as 3D printers.  MakerSpaces could be knitting and sewing machines or hammers, nails and wood.  Anything to create.  It is a growing trend and if you haven't heard about it do a quick search to see what is available in your area.

The Nick and Tesla series caught my eye on a recent shopping trip for my school library.  Without having any reviews to go on I took a risk and scooped up the 5 book series.  Am I glad I did!  I've only had a chance to read Nick and Tesla's Special Effects Spectacular but I can tell that I am going to love this series and I think teachers and students will too.

Nick and Tesla are brother and sister.  It seems each book has a bit of a mystery that they stumble upon and work to solve.  While unraveling the mystery they work on these awesome projects to create cool stuff.  Unfortunately I didn't have time to do one of the projects before posting my review but they seemed totally do-able and fun.  

I'm really hoping I can convince one of the teachers to do this as a read aloud this year and do one of the crafts with the kids.  I'm very excited about this series.