The Altogether Unexpected Disappearance of Atticus Craftsman is a mystery, a love story, a story of strong friendships and also quite funny as well. Atticus Craftsman is the son of a wealthy tycoon in the literary business. His father had established small literary newspapers across Europe. All were very successful expect the Spain office. Atticus is sent to Spain with the task of firing the five employees and closing up the office. His father sends him off with a warning - they're all women.
The women of the office are a tight group of friends. They help each other out when in need and celebrate each others successes and cry together when life isn't going as planned for one of the group. When they receive word that the office is too be closed they quickly make a plan to stall for time. And the mystery begins.
All of the characters in the book were very like-able. There were many characters in the book and I was worried it was going to get confusing but they were each well defined and distinct. I enjoyed reading a book set in Spain. I can't think of anything else I've read set in Spain. It was a nice change.
The Altogether Unexpected Disappearance of Atticus Craftsman will be on sale August 9th, 2016.