Leave Me by Gayle Forman
Maribeth Klein has it all. Her dream job. Her dream husband. Twins, a boy and a girl - of course. But she's also killing herself doing it all. Literally. Maribeth suffers a heart attack at 44 years of age. It's really not a surprise she's unwell, as she's nearly run a marathon before she even gets home for dinner. Anyone relate to that? As she sits at home trying to heal life just seems to get more hectic and stressful until Maribeth cracks. She packs her bags, scribbles a quick note to her husband and she's gone.
Leave Me is a story about a busy mom who takes a time out from life to heal. Maribeth also uncovers more about who she is and her relationships as friend, mother and wife. Leave Me is a great read that is at times funny and emotional.
I was very surprised to find out that Gayle Forman is also the author of If I Stay and Where She Went. If I Stay was made into a movie in 2014. Both books are on my to read pile and have been quite popular at my school with the Grade 7 and 8's.