When All Our Wrong Todays popped up on my holds list I couldn't remember what had prompted me to put this book on hold at the library. All Our Wrong Todays is science fiction and I don't read science fiction. Then I had another thought - I don't even remember putting it on hold so it must be quite a popular books if I had to wait that long. I thought I may as well try a few chapters.
Whew! What a read it was! This novel was a utopian and a dystopian and offered another life in between. The novel begins in 2016 and Tom Barren is living the life the Jetson's had us envisioning for this year. His father has been hard at work creating a time travel machine and has assembled the crew for the first trip. With the mission seeming to be falling apart, Tom takes the time travel trip alone back to 1965. It doesn't take Tom long to alter the path of the future. Almost as quickly as he time travels, Tom also falls in love. This novel has romance too!
The novel is written as a memoir by Tom. I loved Tom's quote near the end of the novel "As I'm sure you're all too aware, trying to keep this time-travel crap straight in your head is a chore." Although All Our Wrong Todays is science fiction I assure you that everyone can follow along and really enjoy this novel.
This was Canadian Elan Mastai's debut novel. I really enjoyed the writing style. The short chapters kept me moving through this novel quickly. I still don't know what made me put this book on hold but I'm glad I did. It was a nice change from my usual reads.
Evelyn Hugo is a self made success. She suffered a tragic childhood and escaped her home town Hell's Kitchen as soon as she was able to successfully lie about her age. Here begins husband number one. Evelyn Hugo is determined to be a star and she will lie, cheat, get married and have sex with whoever she needs to in order to make it in Hollywood. Fortunately, she is absolutely stunning and that helps her rise to fame.
Monique Grant is reeling from the recent separation from her first husband. She's working as a journalist for Vivant Magazine. She did one amazing article that got her a lot of recognition but since the undoing of her marriage she knows she hasn't written anything amazing. That's why her and her boss are both shocked when after years of silence with the media, Evelyn Hugo agrees to an article, but only with Monique.
Evelyn reveals the untold story of her seven husbands to Monique over the course of several days. Monique discovers the seven husbands aren't the real story at all. It's not until the end that Monique uncovers why she's been summoned to write the story.
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is a beautiful story of love and loss. The movie stars and glamour of Hollywood make the characters so real you will be checking Netflix for the films. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo will be available in stores June 13, 2017. It is published by Simon and Schuster Canada.