Whew! What a read it was! This novel was a utopian and a dystopian and offered another life in between. The novel begins in 2016 and Tom Barren is living the life the Jetson's had us envisioning for this year. His father has been hard at work creating a time travel machine and has assembled the crew for the first trip. With the mission seeming to be falling apart, Tom takes the time travel trip alone back to 1965. It doesn't take Tom long to alter the path of the future. Almost as quickly as he time travels, Tom also falls in love. This novel has romance too!
The novel is written as a memoir by Tom. I loved Tom's quote near the end of the novel "As I'm sure you're all too aware, trying to keep this time-travel crap straight in your head is a chore." Although All Our Wrong Todays is science fiction I assure you that everyone can follow along and really enjoy this novel.
This was Canadian Elan Mastai's debut novel. I really enjoyed the writing style. The short chapters kept me moving through this novel quickly. I still don't know what made me put this book on hold but I'm glad I did. It was a nice change from my usual reads.