I have been following Neil Pasricha for many years. A friend introduced me to his 1000 Awesome Things blog years ago and I have been following him ever since. I've even had the chance to hear him speak.
Years ago Neil found himself recently divorced, struggling with a friends suicide and where his path in life was going. This began his 1000 Awesome Things blog which evolved into his first book The Book of Awesome. I really enjoyed reading his picture book Awesome is Everywhere with children at school as well.
I was really excited when I got an advanced copy of You are Awesome. This book was so easy to read because Neil doesn't come across as someone who has life all together. You are Awesome is lessons Neil has learned from his mistakes and life experiences. The message I took away is that you are awesome despite failure or poor choices. Learn from your mistakes, move forward and let it go. I found while I was reading it that there were chapters that I thought I my teenage son should read this and then others where I thought my busy husband should read. I think many people would find different things to take away from this book.
You are Awesome is out today - November 5th, 2019. Check out Neil Pasricha. He has some great books and blogs. Also, if you ever get a chance to hear him speak - go!