Daphne had it rough as a kid. She was always the bigger girl. She went to a fancy school but only because her dad was a teacher there and she got in for free. Her parents were the type to cover the entire lawn with blow up characters at Christmas. Which Daphne thought the Christmas decorations were amazing until it wasn't cool. It was tough making friends. Good friends especially.
Drue was the cool girl. She was the girl everyone wanted to be with. She was the rich girl and her family owned the school. She got away with everything - including bullying everyone who crossed her path.
Daphne kept up her friendship with Drue after school ended. Sure, she knew she was being used. But with Drue as a friend, life was an adventure. Something was always about to happen. One night the girls come back from their separate colleges and everyone meets up to go to the club. Everything is great until she finds out that Drue just feels sorry for her because she's the poor, fat girl.
This moment changes everything for Daphne. She starts learning to love herself - at least trying. She starts a plus size blog and becomes Instagram famous. Life becomes good without Drue in her life.
Years later Drue is getting married. She has no friends. She's been mean and bullied everyone until there was no one left. But she's turning life around. She'd do anything for Daphne to be her bridesmaid. Daphne is stronger - what could it hurt? A weekend in Cape Cod. A fancy wedding - maybe celebrities. It might help her social profile.
Big Summer sounds like a story about friendship and forgiveness right? Well it is, but there's so much more! There's murder! There's mystery! There's sexy love scenes! I've been a fan of Jennifer Weiner for a long time. She's a talented writer. Some of my other favourite books from her are Then Came You and Mrs. Everything.