

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Bookish People by Susan Coll


If you've ever dreamed of working in a book store Bookish People is for you.  If you've ever thought the idea of working in a book store, Bookish People, will convince you otherwise.  Although, this particular bookstore in DC does seem particularly full of activity.

Sophie Bernstein loves her bookstore and employees.  When her husband passes away and the news of the world makes her feel like it's all too much, Mrs. Bernstein begins a plan to hide away in a secret room within the bookstore.

The world seems against her plans though when a series of events make Mrs. Bernstein feel like she can't get a moment of peace.  Everyone seems to need her attention.  Her keys are locked in the Qwerk III.  The power keeps going out.  Her son, Michael, a yoga instructor, has borrowed the shop's van and doesn't seem to have plans to give it back.  On top of that there seems to be an endless amount of party invitations all with different themes.

Clemi is the store's event planner.  She has booked a very controversial poet to speak at the store.  Mrs. Bernstein is worried about the event and really wants her to cancel but Clemi ulterior motives and this event must go on.  Clemi also is pulled in many different directions and all she wants is a minute alone with the poet.

Also, what's that fishy smell coming from the closet?

Bookish People has many lovable characters .  I really enjoyed the novel and all the craziness it had going on.  This story might be a bit extreme but working in libraries and bookstores are definitely never dull.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The Bodyguard by Katherine Center


Every now and then an author comes along that I will consume all books that this author puts out.  This time I found myself in a reading funk and I thought I need Katherine Center to get me out of that funk.  Luckily I came across The Bodyguard.  BookPage calls Katherine Center “the reigning queen of comfort reads.” and I couldn't agree more.

The Bodyguard is about a team of personal protective agents.  They aren't really physical bodyguards - although they certainly can be.  They're more the brains behind protecting people.  Hannah Brookes is a master at her job.  Her brain is constantly assessing risks - except when it comes to her heart.  On the eve of her mother's funeral her boyfriend - and coworker - dumps her.  She's desperate to get out of the country on a new assignment but her boss wants her to sit still and properly grieve her mother.

Finally, Hannah gets a new assignment but unfortunately, it's right here in Texas.  To make matters worse it's a movie star  - Jack Stapleton.  To make matters more worse - she has to pretend to be his girlfriend.  She's the farthest thing from a movie stars girlfriend.  No one is going to believe this.

Aside from the fact that she doesn't look like a movie star's girlfriend Hannah is perfect for the job because she could care less that he's handsome and charming.  Hannah is extremely professional and if she can protect Jack from stalkers until Thanksgiving hopefully she'll be given a new gig in London.

The Bodyguard was the story I needed to get me reading again.  I very much enjoyed the story and the characters.  If you like The Bodyguard,  I recommend you search out some of Katherine Center's other books.  Follow the links below to read other Katherine Center book reviews on my blog.

Things you Save in a Fire

What you Wish For

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The Last Dress from Paris by Jade Beer


Lucile has a very close relationship with her Grandmother, Sylvie.  She does not have a great relationship with her mother, Genevieve.  When her Grandmother asks for a special favour of course Lucille will do anything to help her.  When Lucille realizes the favour is a trip to Paris to find a special dress she is definitely confused.  She is to reach out to her Grandmother's dear friend's daughter, Veronique, while she is there for help with the mission.

At first the mission seems easy when Veronique shows her the dresses but the one she needs to bring home is missing.  Even more puzzling than the missing dress is that the dresses are haute couture dresses from the 1950's.  Why would Grandma have an expensive Dior dresses?  Each dress has a card with a cryptic clue and the location she wore the dress.  There is more to Grandma's story that Lucille needs to uncover.

With the help of some new friends, Lucile retraces the steps and uncovers the story of her Grandmother. Along the way, she falls in love with Paris and the trip has her rethinking her relationships and career.

I really enjoyed The Last Dress from Paris.  I loved reading about all the dresses and if you Google them you can see the dresses mentioned in the novel.  This was a wonderful novel with many twists and turns that had me engaged right to the end.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Our Last Days in Barcelona by Chanel Cleeton

Is it just me or do all avid readers have shelves of books that are unread?  There is something about heading into Indigo and browsing the displays.  If Heather Reisman, Reese Witherspoon or Oprah recommend it, I'm probably going to buy it.  But it often takes me some time to read it.  I've purchased a few Chanel Cleeton books but this is the first that I have read.  Our Last Days in Barcelona has rave reviews from both Oprah and Reese Witherspoon which means chances are you're about to start a great story.

I've picked up many of Chanel Cleeton's books.  I can't resist the covers.  I want to be on that beach in Barcelona right now!  Yet - this is the first Chanel Cleeton book I have read, but most certainly not the last.

Isabel Perez is living in Florida.  Her sister, Beatriz is in Spain.  None of her sisters have heard from her in a while and one of them should go to Barcelona to ensure she's OK.  The timing is perfect because Isabel needs a vacation and she's never been to Spain before.  She also needs some time away from her husband.

While searching for her sister she finds a picture of her and her mom at the cafe down the street.  But Isabel has never been to Spain.  It doesn't make any sense.  When she questions her mom she says she's never been to Spain either and quickly changes the topic.  Yet there's no questioning that this is a picture of her and her mom in Spain.

Our Last Days in Barcelona takes place in 1964 but it switches often to 1936 to tell the story of Isabel's mother.  I really enjoyed this story.  I enjoyed all the characters and their relationships.  It was the perfect amount of adventure, love and history.  I will definitely be reading Chanel Cleeton's other novels soon.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Treehouse on Dog River Road by Catherine Drake


When her life seems to be falling apart, Hannah accepts a job for the summer taking care of her sister's two kids while her and her husband travel for work.  How hard can it be to take care of two young kids especially with them in summer camp all day.  This will give Hannah plenty of time to rethink her life, next career and new city.

The nights and weekends with the kids are full and busy but Hannah realizes she's going to need a project to occupy herself while the kids are in camp.  She dreams up a treehouse for her niece and nephew and once she gets approval from her sister the building begins.  There's a new neighbour next door and she should probably let them know what she's up to.

The last thing Hannah expected to do this summer is to fall for a guy.  But it's fine.  He's just a summer fling.  No big deal.  Except he's perfect in every way.  But Hannah's determined not to make life decisions based on a guy.  This time she's following her dreams.  Vermont is nice but she really thinks Denver is where it's at.

The Treehouse on Dog River Road seemed very predictable and in some ways it was but there were definitely parts that weren't predictable.  Overall it was a really great story with some interesting twists and turns.  

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Shipped by Angie Hockman


For most of us here in Canada it's now been years since vacations were possible because of Covid.  If your stuck in another cold winter with no warm vacations in sight Shipped is the perfect book to take you away.  

Henley and Graham are two employees working for a cruise ship company.  Spending all their days working on social media and marketing they've never even set foot on a cruise ship.  When they are told they are competing for a new management position their boss decides it's time they get on a cruise.

It sounds like a beautiful 10 days sailing around the Galapagos islands but Henley is determined to spend the entire cruise working on her management proposal presentation.  Henley also hates Graham so when not working on her presentation she's trying to avoid him - but he's everywhere.  Worse yet - she didn't realise he was so good looking - like really good looking.  She needs to stay focused.

Cruising is my favourite way to travel and I've never been to Galapagos.  Shipped had me planning my next cruise for someday when things look better.  But for now it was a perfect escape from January on a cold winter day.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

We Are the Brennans by Tracey Lange

Sunday Brennan has been living in California for 5 years.  Her brother Denny gets a call in New York that she's in the hospital after a drunk driving crash.  That's not like Sunday and he knows it's time he paid her a visit in California himself.

Somehow Denny convinces her to come back to New York to heal.  The Brennan clan couldn't be happier to have her back.  She left quite suddenly five years ago and they were worried for a bit but overtime they worried about her less.  They figured things were going good for her.  But maybe they were wrong.

The craziest part about her leaving is that she left her high school sweet heart, Kale, behind.  Who also happened to be Denny's best friend and co-owner of the local pub Brennans.  He was absolutely heart broken for a bit but eventually he married Vivianne who Denny said seemed all wrong for him.

Denny's got some problems of his own.  Kale and him are opening a new pub across town and things aren't going well.  The new pub was his idea and so he's trying to hide some unexpected payments from Kale.

Jackie, another one of Sunday's brother has also been in some trouble lately.  His parole dictates he's not allowed to work in the pub - the only job he ever really loved. 

All the Brennan's seem to have secrets including their father who is at the beginning stages of Alzheimers.  Sweet Shane, the last Brennan brother, is the only one with nothing to hide.  No matter the secrets this is an Irish clan that sticks together.  But once the secrets start unraveling will they be able to stick together.

We Are the Brennans is one of the best books I've read in awhile.  I got it as a Christmas book from my husband.  Tracey Lange manages to twist the story so you really don't know how it's all going to come together.  It's definitely a book you won't want to put down.  I give it 5 stars!