
Thursday, July 4, 2024

Love of My After Life by Kirsty Greenwood


The Love of My After Life by Kirsty Greenwood is a great fun read.  The title and cover lead me to think this might be a book lacking substance.  Just a fluffy read but you would be wrong to judge this book by the cover or title.  

Delphie lives an isolated life.  She works at the pharmacy across the street.  She takes care of her elderly mute neighbour.  That's about it.  No friends.  No outings.  Keeps conversation to a minimum.  

When she suddenly finds herself passed into the after life.  As I said, she's never had much of a life to begin with but after she crosses paths with a hot guy she suddenly wants to live.  Her after life therapist Merrit says she can continue on with life as long as she completes a challenge with 10 days.  But she can't complete the challenge on her own - she's going to need some help.

I really enjoyed The Love of My After Life way more than I suspected.  The characters were great and you couldn't help but cheer Delphie on.  The ending had a wonderful surprise twist that I never saw coming.  I would happily read a second book to hear how Delphie's new life is.  This is my first Kirsty Greenwood book and I will certainly look for more of her novels.