

Monday, October 28, 2024

The Village Christmas Party by Sue Roberts


The Village Christmas Party is about a woman named Lauren.  She has a very busy life between working in a small shop, helping others where she can, baking and hanging out with friends.  One of the biggest events she organizes every year is the pensioners Christmas party on Christmas Eve.  There is a lot to organize but Lauren is meticulous with her lists so nothing gets missed.  Lauren is meticulous about most things in life actually.  Often turning down plans with friends so she can check items off her lists.

When Lauren shows up Christmas Eve for the pensioners party she is shocked to find that the community centre has been double booked by this hot guy she's been spotting around town.  He's planning a birthday party for his 7 year old daughter and sees nothing wrong with mixing the seniors and children's parties.  This is certainly not on Lauren's checklists but hot guy seems quite certain nothing can go wrong.

The Village Christmas Party is a bit of a slower paced novel with not much action.  But it is a lovely story and gives me the Hallmark vibe I was looking for with a previous book.  It is a quick read with a happy ending. 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Love Elixir of Augusta Stern by Lynda Cohen Loigman


The Love Elixir of Augusta Stern tells the story of a young Augusta growing up without a mother.  Her father owns a pharmacy and her and her sister Bess help out there from a young age.  Augusta has always known she wants to be a pharmacist when she grows up.  She loves watching her dad help people.  When Augusta's great aunt comes to leave with them she soon discovers her aunt has some creative ways of helping people that her father doesn't agree with.

Every alternating chapter tells the story of 80 year old Augusta, finally retiring to a nice place in Florida.  She is soon shocked to find out the people from her childhood also live in the same area - specifically Irvin who Augusta once dreamed she would marry and spend all of her days with.

I really enjoyed The Love Elixir of Augusta Stern.  I was a little leery as it seemed to have a fantasy theme but definitely nothing to be worried about here.  Augusta is a lovable character that I cheered on in her younger years and in her 80's.  This book has a little romance, fantasy and a touch of the Godfather all mixed into one great read.

Christmas Actually by Lisa Darcy


Christmas Actually is the store of Kate, a middle aged mom to two kids and wife to Matthew.  Kate spends her days catering to her family.  She had a dream of being a photographer but that's been forgotten years ago.  When she gets an offer from an old college friend to work on a magazine for a few weeks before Christmas she can't help but say yes.  This might just be what she needs to start her photography career again.

But once she goes back to work the lives of everyone around her starts to unravel and she's the only one that keeps it all together for them.  There's a crazy amount of drama that unfolds during these few short weeks which make the story quite fast paced to read but also felt a bit unrealistic that this much could go on in one month.  

I really enjoyed Christmas Actually but I don't feel the title suits.  Yes, it takes place over the Christmas season but that's about all.  It certainly didn't have the Hallmark feel I expected.  I understand the Christmas cover but even it seemed like a small part of the story.   I also felt the ending was a bit rushed.

Friday, August 9, 2024

My Favourite Mistake by Marian Keyes


My Favourite Mistake by Marian Keyes is the seventh book in the Walsh family series.  These are not small books - this book is over 400 pages.  I think the first book by Keyes that I picked up was before heading on vacation with the plan of one or two big books and not five relatively smaller books.

The Walsh family is a large and busy Irish family.  They like to all get involved in each other's lives and drama - quite often they create drama.  Each book focuses on a different family member and this one is Anna.   Anna has gone through tragedy years ago when her husband tragically died in a car accident but years later life is looking good for Anna.  She has an amazing PR job in New York with a feathery stroker boyfriend.  But then 2020 hits, Anna starts perimenopause, and basically is homesick for Ireland and her family.  In a rash decision she leaves her job and breaks up with her boyfriend and moves back home.  Without a plan for money or her future the first few months feel glum.  When one of her sister's friends is in crisis with a business they are trying to get running Anna finally finds a purpose.  Unfortunately, it involves a guy from her past Narky Joe.  Together they navigate helping this business giving the family one less worry.  Everything will work out if Anna could just find a doctor to give her some HRT medicine.

This book isn't a quick read - at least not for me.  It took me a bit to get into it and then read the last 200 pages in a day.  It's also filled with some Irish words and phrases that I sometimes didn't understand but for me it certainly didn't take away from the story.  I think I've always had a bit of a fondness for Irish authors.  If I'd had a girl I would have liked to name her Maeve after Maeve Binchy.  In fact I would say Marian Keyes books are for fans of Binchy's novels.  I might also call Marian Keyes the Irish Sophie Kinsella.

Friday, July 12, 2024

The Summer Pact by Emily Giffen


You may think that since this book is being published in July that it's about the season but it is about a group of four friends that meet in college - Lainey, Tyson, Hannah and Summer.  The four become best friends but before college is done Summer has committed suicide.  None of the friends no why - yes there was school pressure and she was an athlete that came with pressures but no one suspected a thing.  So as the now group of three friends leave college to start their lives they make a pact - the Summer pact - that if anyone of them ever hits rock bottom they promise to drop everything to help each other through the hard times.  Part of the pact too is agreeing to share when those hard times hit too and not to fight though them alone.

Many years later Hannah hits rock bottom when she discovers her fiance in bed with another woman.  Tyson and Lainey drop all commitments to rush to Hannah's side.  Once Hannah's immediate problems are somewhat resolved the three decide they could all use a break from lift and decide on a trip where each person picks where they are going with no veto options for any of them.  The three of them have some soul searching to do and some history to process as they head out on their vacation.  

The Summer Pact by Emily Giffin was a great read with many unexpected twists.  I definitely had empathy for all the characters.  I enjoyed reading about their time in Italy as well. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

The Forever Dog by Dr Karen Shaw Becker


I'm a dog mom to a wonderful Australian Labradoodle named Howard.  To say we are obsessed with him is an understatement.  We do our best to take care of him.  Whenever we are chopping up some fruits or vegetables we generally ask Google if it's safe for dogs and then place a small amount of that food in Howie's food bowl.

The Forever Dog Life book has us taking a new approach.  Now instead of a nibble off whatever healthy foods we might be having we are giving him larger portions and cooking specifically for Howie.  I've learned a lot about nutrition for dogs from this book.  For instance, Howie now gets 3 full eggs a week in the past he would have had a nibble occassionally.  Howie is a very happy dog since I've found this book.  If in doubt always check with your veterinarian.

Some of Howie's favourite foods are eggs, sardines, sweet potato, cheese, peppers, cucumbers, watermelon, green tea, celery, plain chicken and more.  We still rely on kibble for his main food source.

The book has suggestions for meal replacements, foods to eat on a regular basis, meal toppers and more.  If you have a furry pet I would highly recommend this book.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Love of My After Life by Kirsty Greenwood


The Love of My After Life by Kirsty Greenwood is a great fun read.  The title and cover lead me to think this might be a book lacking substance.  Just a fluffy read but you would be wrong to judge this book by the cover or title.  

Delphie lives an isolated life.  She works at the pharmacy across the street.  She takes care of her elderly mute neighbour.  That's about it.  No friends.  No outings.  Keeps conversation to a minimum.  

When she suddenly finds herself passed into the after life.  As I said, she's never had much of a life to begin with but after she crosses paths with a hot guy she suddenly wants to live.  Her after life therapist Merrit says she can continue on with life as long as she completes a challenge with 10 days.  But she can't complete the challenge on her own - she's going to need some help.

I really enjoyed The Love of My After Life way more than I suspected.  The characters were great and you couldn't help but cheer Delphie on.  The ending had a wonderful surprise twist that I never saw coming.  I would happily read a second book to hear how Delphie's new life is.  This is my first Kirsty Greenwood book and I will certainly look for more of her novels.

Monday, June 17, 2024

The Seaside Sisters by Pamela Kelley


The Seaside Sisters by Pamela Kelley is a good beach read for this summer as it takes place in Cape Cod.  I always love a book that's set in Cape Cod.  Reading about the beautiful beaches and dreaming about being near the ocean is always a good summer read.

Hannah lives in New York and since her mother passed she's been having panic attacks.  Hannah is also an author.  Her first book has recently been published but now she's in a rut working on the second book.  When her Aunt calls and suggest spending the summer on Cape Cod she thinks being around family and the beach might just be the answer to help her relax.  Her sister lives there too and it would be good to spend more time with her.

As predicted being with her aunt and sister do help ease her stress and slowly the words start flowing again.  Hannah joins a local writing group and starts making new friends.  Spending the summer here is great but it's not Brooklyn.

The book is called The Seaside Sisters but Hannah feels like the main character.  There is a small side story about her Aunt and her sister but they all seemed second to Hannah's story.  I think I would choose a different title for the book as the sister relationship wasn't a main theme of the book.  

This book took me a bit to get into the characters and I admit I almost stopped reading it.  But I persevered and enjoyed the book in the end.  At times I found some of the story repetitive but I enjoyed reading about all the scenery and food.  I also felt the ending was too rushed.