
Showing posts with label Canadian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canadian. Show all posts

Monday, November 4, 2019

You are Awesome by Neil Pasricha

You Are Awesome by Neil Pasricha

I have been following Neil Pasricha for many years.  A friend introduced me to his 1000 Awesome Things blog years ago and I have been following him ever since.  I've even had the chance to hear him speak.

Years ago Neil found himself recently divorced, struggling with a friends suicide and where his path in life was going.  This began his 1000 Awesome Things blog which evolved into his first book The Book of Awesome.  I really enjoyed reading his picture book Awesome is Everywhere with children at school as well.

I was really excited when I got an advanced copy of You are Awesome.  This book was so easy to read because Neil doesn't come across as someone who has life all together.  You are Awesome is lessons Neil has learned from his mistakes and life experiences.  The message I took away is that you are awesome despite failure or poor choices.  Learn from your mistakes, move forward and let it go.  I found while I was reading it that there were chapters that I thought I my teenage son should read this and then others where I thought my busy husband should read.  I think many people would find different things to take away from this book.

You are Awesome is out today - November 5th, 2019.  Check out Neil Pasricha.  He has some great books and blogs.  Also, if you ever get a chance to hear him speak - go!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Liberty Street by Dianne Warren

25229202Years ago before I started my blog I read Cool Water by Dianne Warren.  It was the story of a cast of characters living in a small Canadian town and it took place over the course of one day.  Since that time I have been frequently looking out for something new by Dianne Warren.  I subscribe to many email newsletters to keep me up to date on the latest book releases so I was completely surprised to see this one in Chapters and that I didn't already know about it.

Once again, the setting is a small town in Canada.  The story is about Frances Mary Moon and her coming of age story.  She grows up often not meeting the expectations of her parents.  She makes a few mistakes given the town folks lots to gossip about.  She manages to push some of those mistakes behind her and move on in a new relationship but when she witnesses a tragedy many years later the truth comes slipping out surprising her and her long term boyfriend.

I love Dianne Warren's writing style.  I look forward to her next novel.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Awesome is Everywhere by Neil Pasricha

24876653I have long been a subscriber to Neil Pasricha's blog and have been eagerly awaiting a children's version of his chart topping books.  Awesome is Everywhere does not disappoint.  This book is on sale September 29th but one of the students at my school saw him speak at a book festival last weekend and Neil gave her an autographed copy.  She was so excited that she brought it in to show me and said that I could read it to my library classes all week.  It has been awesome seeing their reactions.  I have read the story to the kindergartens, the grade 8's and all grades in between.

Awesome is Everywhere reads a bit like a meditation book.  I encouraged students to close their eyes and pretend they were on a beach while I read.  The short story also has some relaxation breathing.  For me the ending is the best.  Where is the best place on earth?  Right here in the classroom surrounded by all the awesome kids of course.  There is a mirror at the back and I take the time to make sure each person gets a chance to see themselves.  It was very interesting to watch their reactions.  Some students made funny faces but most smiled.  Some appeared shy.  Only one boy refused to look at all.  Made me think he needs to be told he's awesome a little bit more often.

The story may seem quite primary for the grade 8's but when you flash the last page around they are all smiles.

Neil will be at the Word on the Street in Kitchener on September 26th.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Skink on the Brink by Lisa Dalrymple

Skink on the Brink cover FINALSkink on the Brink tells the story of a little lizard that is on the brink of extinction.  The book is full of interesting facts about the Skink such as habitat, life-cycle and more.

Skink on the Brink is illustrated by Suzanne Del Rizzo.  The pictures in this book are absolutely amazing!  They are stunning.  

The cover says the book is 'A Tell-Me-More! Storybook'.  The books are published in Ontario, Canada in 2013 which means lots of up to date Canadian content - something I look for when purchasing library books.  If I remember correctly, grade 4 has a unit on extinct animals in the curriculum.  This would be a great book for that unit.

I read this book with my son who is starting grade 4 in the fall and he really enjoyed it.  I will definitely look for more books in this series and be adding this series to my fall shopping list.