
Showing posts with label Fantasy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fantasy. Show all posts

Monday, February 23, 2015

The Glittering World by Robert Levy

22609606I received an e-copy of The Glittering World  by Robert Levy from NetGalley.  Michael "Blue" Whitley's grandmother has just passed away and left him her home.  Blue and three friends make the trek from New York to Nova Scotia to visit Blue's birthplace.  He doesn't remember much about living in Nova Scotia.  He was 6 when he left.  On their first night in town they are greeted by some locals and join in on a party with them.  Blue has a history of drug use, but even he seems surprised when he appears to lose hours of time at the party.

That's about as far as I got.  The story started to take some weird twists and turns and it turned out to be not really my type of story.  I think the book is very well written.  I debated whether to write a review or not.  I felt it deserved a mention on the blog even though it wasn't my style.  To begin with, the cover is stunning.  I loved it.  The problem for me was that I didn't realize it was going to go down the fantasy path.  The first few chapters drew me in and then I found myself scanning Goodreads to find out where this was going.  I picked up a different book and sadly there's just no going back to this one for me.  But that's just me.  I hope it lands in the right reader's hands.  It deserves to be read and loved.