
Showing posts with label Helene Boudreau. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Helene Boudreau. Show all posts

Friday, February 28, 2014

I Dare You Not to Yawn by Helene Boudreau

This week I read I Dare You Not to Yawn by Canadian Author Helene Boudreau.  This is an instruction manual for all kids on how to handle a yawn in front of their parents because we all know what happens if you yawn in front of your parents right?  There were quite a few yawns as I read this book.  Many were from me (I'm sick! It wasn't the book!).  Some were genuine and some were my dramatic readers flair.  I had a good time reading this with all classes.  This book received a unanimous happy face this week from all the students.  I don't know how these kids are possibly going to pick a favourite!