
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Daylight Marriage by Heidi Pitlor

22859568It’s a well known fact that married couples should never go to bed angry.  But Hannah and Lovell broke that rule.  He comes home late from work.  Again.  She forgot to pay a bill.  Again.  Hurtful words are flung back and forth and Lovell loses his cool.  Hannah heads off to sleep with their son, Ethan, and Lovell spends a sleepless night working.  After an icy goodbye the next morning they head their separate ways.  But Hannah doesn't feel like going to work just yet so she makes a detour for a walk on the beach.  And then she's gone.  Vanished.  

Lovell now has to step up and take care of their two kids.  The kids, 15 year old Janine and 9 year old Ethan, know that last fight was the worst one yet.  Did Hannah leave Lovell and desert her kids?  Did she have an accident?  Or has someone hurt her?  All eyes are on Lovell has he reflects on their last moments together and tries to cope without Hannah.  He’s doing his best to be a good dad but Janine is not making things easy.  Everyone’s got an opinion on what Lovell should be doing and expectations on how he should be acting.  But just because he’s got his own way of coping, does that make him even more suspicious?  

The Daylight Marriage is a very suspenseful read.  The whereabouts of Hannah remain a mystery right up until the end.  The author, Heidi Pitlor, is a talented storyteller that continuously engages readers.  The Daylight Marriage is Pitlor’s second novel.