
Showing posts with label robots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label robots. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Wild Robot by Peter Brown

26030734The Wild Robot has been my most favourite read aloud that I've done this year.  I found myself always looking forward to seeing my grade 4 class because I couldn't wait to read more about The Wild Robot.  I think the students enjoyed it as much as I did.  I can always tell because if no one moves the light sensors turn off in the library and every single week the light sensors went off.  No one wanted to miss it.

There is a boat full of robots that crashes and sends crates of robots crashing with the waves into an island.  Only one robot survives - Roz.  Roz starts making her way around the island and scaring all the animals.  What is this monster they all want to know.  Roz watches and observes the animals in their habitat.  She soon learns how to speak to each of the animals and survival instincts from watching the animals adaptations.

When Roz finds an egg one day she knows exactly what to do from watching the other birds.  Soon Roz is a mother to a baby gosling - Brightbill.  The two form a mother and son relationship like no other.

This is a fantastic read aloud for a grade 4 class.  There is a sequel coming this fall.  The Wild Robot has also been chosen as the global read aloud.  I've never participated in this before but I'm motivated to join in this October.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Once Upon a Balloon - Bree Galbraith

Book Cover

Once Upon a Balloon is the story of two young brothers, Theo and Zeke.  Theo receives a balloon from his cousin.  His mom offers to tie it around his wrist.  Everyone warns him not to let go of the balloon.  Theo tries really hard but his fingers just won't listen and sadly, he lets go of the balloon.  But where did it go?  Theo asks.  His mom and dad give answers that seem very unlikely.  But his big brother Zeke knows everything so when Theo tells him the balloon went to Chicago that just has to be true.  But what happens to all the balloons in Chicago?  Big brother Zeke has answers to all Theo's questions, after all, he is the older brother and he does know everything.

I had so much fun reading this book to the kids at school.  I read it with kids from kindergarten to grade 5.  They all enjoyed it.  While I read I asked the kids where they thought the balloon went.  Had any of the children been to Chicago?  Did they see lots of balloons there?

I was very surprised when I read that Once Upon a Balloon is Bree Galbraith's first book.  However, I was not surprised to read that she is Canadian.  So many great authors come from Canada!  Can't wait to see what Galbraith writes next.