
Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Wild Robot by Peter Brown

26030734The Wild Robot has been my most favourite read aloud that I've done this year.  I found myself always looking forward to seeing my grade 4 class because I couldn't wait to read more about The Wild Robot.  I think the students enjoyed it as much as I did.  I can always tell because if no one moves the light sensors turn off in the library and every single week the light sensors went off.  No one wanted to miss it.

There is a boat full of robots that crashes and sends crates of robots crashing with the waves into an island.  Only one robot survives - Roz.  Roz starts making her way around the island and scaring all the animals.  What is this monster they all want to know.  Roz watches and observes the animals in their habitat.  She soon learns how to speak to each of the animals and survival instincts from watching the animals adaptations.

When Roz finds an egg one day she knows exactly what to do from watching the other birds.  Soon Roz is a mother to a baby gosling - Brightbill.  The two form a mother and son relationship like no other.

This is a fantastic read aloud for a grade 4 class.  There is a sequel coming this fall.  The Wild Robot has also been chosen as the global read aloud.  I've never participated in this before but I'm motivated to join in this October.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Lost in the Mountains of Death by Tracey Turner

24205966Lost is a new series that I just got at my school in June so no one has even had a chance to read it yet.  I thought I would sneak it home to read this summer and share with my two sons.  I love it!!  I read Lost in the Mountains of Death.  The book is written just like the Choose Your Own Adventure books that some might remember from when they were kids.  The great thing about this series though is that it's based on real facts.  So don't tell the kids but they're actually learning from it!

This one takes place in the Patagonian Andes.  The book starts off by giving an over of the climate, dangers in the area, etc.  Then it's straight into the action.  You awake in the middle of a snowstorm.  You get your bearings and quickly have to make decisions on what you will do next.  Go find your friends or build shelter.  You must way the risks and consequences of each decision.  But the fun part of the story is that you are the main character and you choose the path. 

I think this book would be great as a class read aloud.  I made it through one scenario in just a few minutes.  I can't wait to read this with the kids at school.  I think they are going to love them.

I would highly recommend this series for kids grade 4 to 8 that enjoy adventure and survival.  Teachers I'm certain there would be many ties that you could make to your curriculum with this series.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Audrey by Dan Bar-El

20819742Earlier this year I had been browsing for writing contests for the writing club that I was running for the students at school.  I came across a fun writing contest on Dan Bar-El's Audrey blog .  Shortly after my youngest son and I were chatting and I suggested he give it a shot.  The contest was quite fun to write since the requirements were very silly.  You had to pick an animal and have it escape from somewhere using different items.  My son laughed so hard writing his story and fortunately Dan Bar-El must have too because he won!!  He was awarded with an autographed copy of Audrey for himself and one to donate to his school.  He was so excited and proud.  It was a huge boost to his confidence to think that an author had picked his story.

Audrey (Cow) is the story of a cow, obviously, named Audrey.  Audrey has many great friends on the farm.  She very much enjoys her days at Bittersweet Farm.  But there's been talk her days are numbered and that a truck might be coming to take her away.  A plan is hatched and everyone chips in to aid Audrey's escape.  Once she leaves the farm she finds new creatures she's never seen before, some kind and others not so kind.  All the while she's trying to enjoy her new found freedom there's two-leggers always on the prowl for her.

My son (age 9) and I really enjoyed Audrey (Cow) as a read aloud.  The voices came easy.  This book would be a perfect read aloud or a good chapter book for grades 3 or 4.  

Dan Bar-El is a very talented children's author living in British Columbia.  He has some fantastic picture books as well.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate

11594337I absolutely love the story of The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate.  I've just finished reading it for the second time.  The story is about a silver back named Ivan.  Ivan lives in a cage at the mall where he is a main attraction.  He spends his days watching tv and painting.  Mack, the owner of the mall, sells his paintings in the gift shop.  Ivan can barely remember life before the mall became his domain until a baby elephant, Ruby, is brought to live at the mall.  Ivan doesn't want to see Ruby live her entire life in a cage in the mall.  But what can a might silver back stuck in a cage do to save an elephant?

The One and Only Ivan is based on a true story of a gorilla named Ivan living in Atlanta.  There is also a picture book that outlines his life.

For grade 4 teachers this book is a perfect connection to studies on habitats.