
Showing posts with label survival. Show all posts
Showing posts with label survival. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Will to Survive by Eric Walters

Will to Survive (The Rule of Three #3)It's no secret that I love every Eric Walters book that I read.  He is very talented and if you ever get the chance to hear him speak - don't miss it!  The most viewed post on my blog is Sleeper by Eric Walters.  My very first published book review was of the Seven series that he was the mastermind behind.  I've also reviewed a few of his other books in between.

Today though is the final book in his Rule of Three trilogy.  First, you must read these books in order.  I don't want to say too much about this book in case you haven't read the first two yet.  Let me just say that I was satisfied with the ending.  I've read book one aloud to grade 7 and 8 classes and they've loved it!  You know you've hooked them when they ask you to read to them at lunch.  This series is fantastic for teenage boys but girls like it just as much.  Also, I've recommended it to a few adult men that haven't read a book and years and they all loved it.

I'm sorry to see it end.  I have eagerly awaited the last few February's for the most recent title.  I'm sure Eric Walters is currently working on something else for me to love.  I hope.  

Friday, August 7, 2015

Lost in the Mountains of Death by Tracey Turner

24205966Lost is a new series that I just got at my school in June so no one has even had a chance to read it yet.  I thought I would sneak it home to read this summer and share with my two sons.  I love it!!  I read Lost in the Mountains of Death.  The book is written just like the Choose Your Own Adventure books that some might remember from when they were kids.  The great thing about this series though is that it's based on real facts.  So don't tell the kids but they're actually learning from it!

This one takes place in the Patagonian Andes.  The book starts off by giving an over of the climate, dangers in the area, etc.  Then it's straight into the action.  You awake in the middle of a snowstorm.  You get your bearings and quickly have to make decisions on what you will do next.  Go find your friends or build shelter.  You must way the risks and consequences of each decision.  But the fun part of the story is that you are the main character and you choose the path. 

I think this book would be great as a class read aloud.  I made it through one scenario in just a few minutes.  I can't wait to read this with the kids at school.  I think they are going to love them.

I would highly recommend this series for kids grade 4 to 8 that enjoy adventure and survival.  Teachers I'm certain there would be many ties that you could make to your curriculum with this series.