The Husband's Secret took many twists and turns that I didn't see coming. I quite enjoyed reading it and I look forward to discussing it with my book club to see what they thought. There was one little thing that really bugged me about the story which I can't reveal without spoiling the story. I want to see if my other book club members felt the same way. So obviously a great book club choice because I believe it will spark a great discussion.
Without revealing any details of the ending I did find it slightly different that the author really detailed and finalized the story. There wasn't much left to the imagination (other than imagining how I would personally handle the secret). Maybe a better way to describe it is that the story felt complete. There was nothing hanging. Which isn't always the way I feel when I finish a book.
I always meant to get around to reading Liane Moriarty's other novel What Alice Forgot. I will try and elevate that book a little higher on my to read list. She is definitely an author I will look for more books from.