The story is about a little girl named Flora. She unexpectedly becomes friends with a squirrel that has some unique capabilities. Great silliness and adventures begin. It was a great story that we both enjoyed. I think I might tackle it as a read aloud to a grade 4 class. My only hesitation is that there are many big words that the kids probably won't know the meaning of. But I think they are mostly used in a manner that the kids understand the meaning even if they aren't familiar with the word. My son didn't interrupt to ask what words meant and I know he doesn't know many of these words. I think he would have struggled to read the book on his own though.
The only other part I found slightly weird is that Flora's mother is a smoker. It seemed unnecessary to the story. Also, at one point it seemed that the smoking was almost romanticized when it is described how Flora's mother was blowing perfect O's. It just seemed an odd addition to the book.
When I asked my son what he thought we should read next he told me he wanted to read book two next. He was shocked when I told him there wasn't a next book. It's up to you to create the next parts in your dreams.