One of the most popular books in my school library is a book about poop. It's wildly popular with the grade 2's - girls and boys. I take small comfort in the fact that the book is non-fiction and I suppose they are learning something. I'm also known to say 'I don't care what you read, just read!' But there are still some days that I've been known to hide the poop book just before the grade 2 class comes in.
If grade 2's like poop. Kindergartens and grade 1's like butts and farts. Especially the little boys. I Need a New Butt by Dawn McMillan is a funny story about a little boy that thinks there is something wrong with his butt because it has a crack in it. It was that last fart he had that did it. Now he's on the hunt for a new butt. I like the arty-farty butt best!
Speaking of art, Ross Kinnaird has done a great job on the illustrations. They add to the humour of the book and each one just feels a perfect fit to the text.
I Need a New Butt by Dawn McMillan is being published by Dover Publications and will be released September 17th, 2014.